Social media

Top 3 Social Media Tools That Will Make Customer Service Easier

If you have a business, social media can be an excellent way to market your product, get brand exposure, and deal with consumers on a regular basis. But social media can be cumbersome to deal with, especially if your business is currently using multiple platforms. It is important to remember that, while social media can help build your business, it is excellent customer service that will maintain it. The importance of customer service cannot be overestimated, especially with online retail businesses where your reputation is closely linked to the way in which you present yourself and your business online. If you’re looking to manage your social media and use it to expedite customer service, there are some tools that are worth looking at for your business.

Here are the top 3 social media tools we have found to be important for managing your social media presence as well as improving your customer service.

Use Google Analytics to choose the best platforms for your business and your customers.

Picking the best social media platforms is the first, best step in optimizing customer service. In order to build relationships and develop connections with customers, you must go where they are. Surveying your consumers is one way to find out what social media channels they use, but you can also use Google Analytics to tell you how many hits you have to your website and when these occur, allowing you a clearer picture of who your consumers really are.

Not all social media platforms work equally well for every type of business. In order to best serve your customers, you will want to focus time and energy on those that draw in your target demographic. Google Analytics can help you see, at a glance, how many visitors you have and how long they stay on your site. A convenient custom dashboard allows you to build social media analytic reports, allowing you to tell which of your social media accounts are making a difference in your business.

Use SocialSteeze to develop a real following and loyal consumers.

A second important step is to remember that your business goal is to build real, ongoing, and trusting customer relationships. While many businesses approach social media channels as opportunities for marketing and self-promotion, there is more to developing and maintaining customers than telling people how great you are. SocialSteeze Regular uses some of the most robust social media technology available to help you grow your real followers organically, allowing you to engage in conversations with customers so as to build relationships over time.

Fake followers provided by some others may produce numbers, but only real followers can influence the popularity of your brand. Customer service starts with the ability to engage with and be responsive to consumers. The process is as simple as completing a short form to get started, and a growth expert will contact you to discuss your desired audience to start generating a following. Detailed reports of results are ready at the asking to help you monitor your progress and modify your social media strategy so you can grow your business.

Use Buffer to engage fully with consumers by posting relevant content.

Being present on your social media platforms is a critical part of creating a consumer community. Posting content is an effective way to make yourself visible and improve customer satisfaction overall. Buffer is a social media tool that allows you to post or share content to all of your social networks. Its can schedule your posts in advance, improving the chances of producing posts when your followers are most likely to be active on social media. Buffer posts to Twitter, Facebook profiles and groups and pages, LinkedIn profiles and pages, Instagram, and Google+. Sharing is as easy to do as using a button in your browser. You can share at any time by clicking the Buffer button in your browser, instantly adding the link and title to any social networks immediately.

Remember that, in the world of customer service, consumers that have a bad experience are likely to take the problem to social media. It can take a lifetime to build a positive reputation for your business, and only a moment to destroy it. The most effective way to engage with these detracts is to respond to the issue with a positive tone and engage in such a way as to resolve the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible. Also plan to respond to positive feedback with a “thank you,” which goes a long way to letting customers know you appreciate their loyal and ongoing support.

What are some tools that you have found help in customer satisfaction? Feel free to comment here.

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