Search Results for "oral cleaning"


Tooth Decay in Children: It Really Is Avoidable

Tooth decay is incredibly common and many parents and caregivers think it is unavoidable that their child will get cavities. In fact tooth decay is entirely avoidable through taking preventative action to break the cycle of decay. How Cavities Are Formed Cavities are caused when bacteria utilize carbohydrates from foods […]

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4 Tips To Ensure Good Dental Hygiene

The smile you own tells a lot about your personality. But many times, while you are shying away to show your teeth you tend to restrict this smile to the minimum. And that’s the point when people recognise you as introvert or not interesting. It is amazing how a simple […]


How to Choose a Dentist within Your Plan

One of the most common health benefits people receive from an employer is dental insurance. It is the least expensive insurance and often has enormous health benefits to the people within the company. Not to mention that having a good smile helps you make yourself more presentable to the world. […]


Tips to Help Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

While genetics can play a crucial role in your chances of getting cancer, there are some things that you can do to reduce your risk. From eating a healthy diet to getting regular physical exams, you can increase your chances of enjoying a happy, healthy and long life with the […]


Been Putting Off Your Dental Check-Up? Stop!

Be honest now… how long has it been since your last dentist appointment? How many months (or years) have you been putting it off? If the last time you saw the inside of a dentist's office was more than 6 months ago, you're overdue. And the longer you go without getting […]

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Dental Issues For The Elderly

We often think of tooth loss as a natural function of aging and, to a certain degree that is true — years of wear and tear can diminish our enamel. But age alone is not the real culprit when it comes to tooth loss; rather it's our dental habits and […]