Search Results for "consumer shopping"


7 Reasons Why Your Businesses Should Have Mobile App

Digital media plays an important role in our lives in today’s high-tech society. Many small business owners, however, still feel that having a website or a Facebook page is enough to attract and communicate with their customers — which is just not the case. The truth is, every business small […]


The Evolution of Black Friday and Cyber Monday

The United States is renowned for its Cyber Monday and Black Friday traditions. Each year, newsreel rolls include stories about the monstrous people who ravage Wal-Marts. Macy’s There are a lot of department stores across the country. Images and videos showing people fighting for Barbie Dolls are all over the […]


How has The COVID-19 Pandemic Accelerated Cloud Adoption

“Digital transformation” and “cloud adoption” have been buzzwords for the business world for the last few years. From enterprise-level organizations to small and medium businesses, it appears that every business is moving operations to the cloud and pivoting to adopt online productivity and collaboration services as they move forward. The […]


9 Reasons For Investing In eCommerce App Development

Smartphones have emerged as the primary screen for users, particularly in the eCommerce app development industry. At this time, businesses believe mobile applications to be a key component in retaining and attracting consumers. The mobile revolution is causing a stir in the corporate world, and the eCommerce industry is no […]


Finding Success Through E-commerce Marketing

In the last five years, e-commerce has emerged as an alternative to brick-and-mortar shopping. Thanks to online storefronts, consumers can now buy products and services without leaving their homes. For businesses, it’s an option that allows them to reach a wider audience and higher sales. Today e-commerce can be a […]

Social media

How to tag items within YouTube video clips?

Remember those card-reading videos where Youtube card readers share the timeline in the description box? Instead of watching the entire video till the end, you can simply start the video from a certain period to watch your desired reading. Pandemic and Ecommerce Due to the Pandemic, more people are turning […]