Search Results for "business exists"


The Sharing Economy Explained

These days, it’s fairly common for the sharing economy to be mentioned in the news. It’s often talked about as something that can change the way we live and work. But what exactly is the sharing economy? Because no single definition exists, any discussion about it usually leads to a […]


7 quick steps: How to Brand Yourself

What is a BRAND? A brand represents the face of a company. It distinguishes a company and their product from others through an identifying name, logo and symbol. And a combination of these elements can be utilized to create a brand identity. Building brand recognition is a non-verbal way of […]


Ultimate guide to boosting your SEO rankings

Things move pretty quickly in cyberspace, and with the world’s favorite search engine making hundreds of changes to their algorithm every year, many businesses are understandably intimidated when it comes to SEO. The good news is that by focusing on a few common best practices and always keeping user experience […]