Search Results for "blood flow"


Why Your Modern Lifestyle Demands a Chiropractor

Our modern lifestyles demand commitment during every single moment. This means whether intentionally or not, you’d be spending most of your time working on something or being social. The constant work vs. play aesthetic looks great from the outside but, has a lot of pitfalls when viewed from the arena […]


How to Treat Stretch Marks and Cellulite

Women aren’t the only ones who suffer from cellulite and stretch marks. Men can suffer from both, too but men’s bodies are less scrutinized than women’s. Cellulite and stretch marks are two common issues that can cause a woman to feel insecure with her body. Surgery, store-bought topical creams, and […]


The Magic Weight Loss Benefits of Coffee

I love coffee. Although I prefer it black with complex tones that awaken my palette to the morning, I will take just about any way I can get it. There are several health benefits associated with caffeine consumption so I may be getting more than just a morning energy jumpstart. […]


How to Keep Fit With Diabetes

Exercise can be incredibly helpful for individuals who suffer from type-1 and type-2 diabetes. There are numerous scientific reports that state exercise can help improve blood flow and blood sugar control. However, people with type-1 diabetes must be cautious when beginning a workout plan. Their bodies are more susceptible to […]


How Varicose Veins Laser Surgery Works

Varicose veins laser surgery is a popular treatment option because of its minimal invasiveness and high success rate. As a treatment option, it is a far-cry from previous methods known as ‘stripping’ whereby the problem blood vessels would be physically removed via highly invasive surgery. Modern treatments like EVLA (Endovenous […]


5 Reasons You Should Quit Smoking Now

You already know you should’ve quit a long time ago. While quitting smoking cannot happen overnight, you can definitely start with baby steps towards a cleaner life. However, this is easier said than done. Quitters should talk to a doctor first and take medicines to curb the addiction. Some smokers […]