Search Results for "Dopamine"


Importance of Brain Enhancing Supplements

Brain enhancing drugs are usually used to increase the energy, boost the memory power of the person and make the cognitive functions get improved. Brain enhancement can be possible by the usage of the drugs which come under the category of nootropics. Brain drug or the supplements are something which […]

Smoking Cigarette

5 Reasons Why People Smoke Cigarettes

It may seem odd to a non-smoker that despite the obvious negative health effects, tobacco is still responsible for more preventable deaths than any other source in the United States. Why do people smoke when they know it’s bad for them? Most people begin smoking after succumbing to peer pressure, […]

Elder care

Here's How to Keep Your Brain Young

There's a generally accepted assumption out there that the older you get the more sluggish your brain becomes. The vibrancy of youth gives way to the leathery and forgetfulness of middle age before senility eventually grips us in later life. This need not be the case. The remarkable thing about […]


Massage Therapy as a Career

With an awareness spreading about the multiple benefits of massage therapy, there are many institutions and health centers today, which are promoting the therapy as a serious career. There is not much debate about the relaxing and soothing effect that a professional session of massage can bring. The researches are […]