Search Results for "Americans love"

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Top 5 Best Cigars in the World

Cigar smoking has a rich traditional lineage which began with the Native Americans smoking cigars at common religious ceremonies and developed into a symbol of luxury. While the old traditions still hold, cigar smoking has developed into a common way of celebrating minor and major milestones in life and at […]

Businessman With Business Plan Concept

Easy Tips for Marketing to Baby Boomers and Seniors

When it comes to advertising, seniors are fairly and accurately represented. From commercials for arthritis medication to… commercials for retirement financial services… Well, maybe they're not so much accurately represented as represented. Sort of. The reality is that Baby Boomers and older generations are often omitted from marketing unless a […]


Foods that Can Spike Your Blood Pressure

With high blood pressure "on the rise" in American society more and more of us are following the health conscious trend to protect our bodies. But what many people don't know is that there are specific foods that can spike your blood pressure alone. With a third of our nation […]


A Family Is Not Confined By a Roof

There has been a lot of controversy lately about the term "family". Do open adoptions where kids have a set of biological parents and a set of adoptive parents make it confusing? Are families with single parents at a disadvantage? What about gay couples and their effect on the family? Gone […]

Society & Culture

The Book of Mormon Redefines Broadway

What have we come to expect from Broadway? Adaptations of books. Adaptations of movies. Rehashed plays. Records turned plays. Yep, Broadway is notorious for playing it safe. However, with The Book of Mormon, we now have proof that the tried and true conservative Broadway formula isn't the only path to […]


Health Care Changes in the Next Decade

Think the Affordable Care Act is the biggest change to happen to health care since the polio vaccine? Just wait. Health care is going to change dramatically in the next 10 years, in ways that are going to significantly benefit everyone. Here are seven ways we predict health care will […]

Green tech

Power Inverters-Be Disaster Ready!

Chances are, those who lived on the east coast in the midst of the devastation of Hurricane Sandy of 2012 wished they had power inverters on hand to maintain at least some heat and electricity. Many victims were with zero electricity for months on end. Calamities happen, both expected and unexpected; and […]

Society & Culture

History’s Most Famous Couriers

Sometime between six and seven million years ago a species known as Sahelanthropus tchadensis stood and walked on two legs in Western Africa. This monkey-looking animal's first small steps set off an evolutionary chain reaction that led to the birth of Homo sapiens, otherwise recognised as today's Mr & Mrs […]


The Main Reasons Why People Buy

The reasons people buy are numerous, even legion. But most can be boiled down to 8 basic reasons. You may be asking, "why is this important?". Well, knowing who your perfect customer is and why they buy is critical information when writing an ad, script, or brochure. By tapping into […]


High-Tech Camping Accessories

When it comes to camping, there are always companies trying to sell you high-tech gadgets that you may not actually need. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on something you will only use once, consider some of the high-tech camping gadgets that can help you save time, stress, and money. […]