Search Results for "property money"

History Politics

Unbelievable Real Life Negotiations

Businesspeople often treat their negotiations as a matter of life and death, even when they really aren't. However, what would happen if the stakes were higher than a handful of jobs, the price of a majority stock option, or even the future of an entire company? Here are seven real-life […]

Business Real estate

How to Write an Effective Rental Advert

Advertising is the key point of any marketing campaign and a good, well designed advert actually translates to a better communication with a potential client. You don’t have to be a genius to design and promote your rental service efficiently and intuitively. Here is some general guidance on designing your […]

Internet Marketing

Facebook Tricks for Marketing Success

If you want online success, Internet marketing must include social media all times. You don't just need to buy advertising on the social media sites. Pages and profiles need to be developed for your business. Publishing on these pages regularly is how you interact with your visitors - updated unique […]


Why Own a Pool

If you're thinking about getting a pool, give yourself a pat on the back because you're making a very smart choice. In addition to the many health benefits swimming has to offer—such as reduced blood pressure, low-stress exercise, a stimulated metabolism and the ability to burn around 500 calories an […]


How LED Bulbs Can Improve Your Home Life

The energy efficiency of the LED bulb has earned it many fans and plaudits since becoming a major player in the lighting market. As of 2012, the LED held a 12% market share. Whilst it is still trailing behind its older brother, the halogen bulb, it is predicted that by […]

Finance Investing

What Is A SIPP And Should I Have One?

The Self-Invested Personal Pension or SIPP was first introduced in 1989. Unlike a conventional pension plan where the money is invested by the scheme manager, a SIPP allows you to choose where to invest your funds. You can have a SIPP alongside other pension schemes and can contribute up to […]