Search Results for "expert growth"


Guidelines on Setting Goals when Selling

A goal is “something toward which effort or movement is directed—an end or objective.” Customers’ goals always involve either achieving a positive result or avoiding a negative one. One of your primary sales responsibilities is to motivate customers to understand their goals. Making goals measurable provides customers with that motivation. Goals […]

Business planning

Strategy Innovation vs. Strategic Planning

If you are intrigued by the potential of strategy innovation for your company, be aware that you will not get it from your current strategic planning process. You will have to create a separate process for strategy innovation, one that is: 1. Creative 2. Market-centric 3. Heuristic (discovery-driven) Creative Strategy […]


Out-of-the Box Wi-Fi Technologies for Eating Joints

Over the years, the growth of Wi-Fi technologies seems to change the way the cafes and bistros function and conduct their business activities. Since these technologies are available in the market, the top notch eateries drastically incorporate new things and discard the age-old practices. Various conveniences that were unthinkable previously, might […]


Positive and Negative Effects of Alcohol on Sex

If you take alcohol, it can have some effects on you sex life of which some are positive while others are negative. There is a general misconception that alcohol is an aphrodisiac by acting as a social lubricant. Several studies conclude that alcohol enable some people in overcoming sexual inhibitions and […]