Search Results for "promising"


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If you live in Great Britain, you get used to the constant criticism about British food. Great Britain is not noted for its haute cuisine. The French come and sneer, the Germans come and scoff and the Italians come and smugly open their own restaurants. Therefore, it is a little […]

Electronics Technology

Nymi Wristbands, A Social Justice Solution

Nymi Wristbands are the newest in identification technology, with Bionym, a Toronto-based company, announcing the creation of a wristband that uses the wearer’s heartbeat as an identification device, zeroing in on the user. This verifies the identity of the wearer, matching what the company has called the heartwave, which is […]


Different Types and Steps to Install a Synthetic Court

Today, synthetic tennis courts are rising in popularity because of their convenience, practicality and durability. Synthetic court is the right choice for those sport athletes and enthusiasts who want low maintenance court without compromising the performance level. This type of court can withstand unpredictable weather and can be used all […]


Moral codes of business professionalism

Words said by Albert Schweitzer is deep enough to understand ”Ethics is nothing else than reverence for life“. Every business either small or big needs to be professional while working with their clients or dealing with other business or big firms. This behavior not only makes their contacts strong but also builds […]

Green tech

It’s Energy Star Certified… So What?

We've all seen it before when shopping for electronics, home appliances, or perhaps even when entering a building - that blue star that proudly proclaims that what you are buying is "energy star certified." Most of us, based on context, have come to figure out that this has something to […]