Search Results for "muscles"


The Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercising consists of a warm-up phase, a conditioning phase (when you actually do most of the exercising), and a cool-down phase. Exercising is stressful to our muscles, hence the warm-up phase where we stretch our muscles and get blood flowing into them to avoid tissue injury. The cool-down phase […]

Fitness Sport

Pros and Cons of Weight Training

Weight training is well known as a health inducing hobby. It serves to improve on many areas of your body, your life and even your mental health. As is with anything else, there are good points and bad points associated with weight training; however, you will probably find that the […]


Increasing Flexibility in Yoga

Yoga is all about flexibility. If you can't touch your toes, you're going to have some serious problems performing some of the more advanced yoga poses. But, yoga is a learning process. Visit a yoga retreat and you'll soon pick up some tips on increasing how flexible your limbs are. […]


Poor Lighting Can Affect Your Health

It is not a secret that bad lighting at home or in the workplace can affect your health. If you're used to reading books in a dark place you shouldn't be surprised when your vision deteriorates. Proper lighting is essential for people who enjoy reading or have to work in […]


What to Do Post-Workout

Most of us have a great pre-workout routine. We do warm ups, stretching, and drink plenty of water. However, what do we do after the workout? If you think heading straight home is the answer, you're wrong. Exercise may be over, but your work isn't. What so many people don't […]

Other stories

Office Products That Relieve Stress

Nearly every expert agrees that work-related stress has steadily increased over the years despite technological advances. Stress is often caused by emotional or physical discomfort, and there are ways for properly educated company managers to help employees cope with the stress that inevitably presents itself at work. Here are some […]

Social media

How To Get A Million Likes On Facebook

It’s hardly news that businesses are setting up pages on Facebook to establish a presence for their brand on the world’s most popular social networking website. Sure, it’s easy enough for anyone to sign up, set up a profile for their business and open their virtual doors to the world. […]


Swimming Is Cheap and Good For Your Health

A lot of children, and adults, are put off sport for financial reasons. The mounting costs of all of the equipment just leaves parents with no way of funding their children's hobbies and they are forced to leave their clubs and go back to the sofa and the television. With […]

Health Nutrition

What Bodybuilding Supplements Do I Need?

One of the best decisions you can make for your health is to start a bodybuilding routine. Besides getting that envious body shape, you can directly or indirectly reap many health benefits. Typically, bodybuilding entails lifting weights (resistance training) at different levels. In the process, your body will burn a […]