Search Results for "travelling bag"


Tips for Training on a Rugby Tour

Sports touring can really take it out of you. But with those all-important matches on the horizon, you need to turn up in top condition; not lethargic and out of training. Here are a few tips for staying fit and healthy, when you're stuck on the rugby coach for days […]


Ebike-Smart Enough for The Pope

In July 2013, Smart bike manufacturers Daimler donated the current Pope with an Ebike. Whether this generosity will prompt sightings of the Pope on two wheels around the streets of Rome has yet to be seen but it makes a change from the ‘Popemobile' of latter years. Fashion In the […]

Travel and living

Hotel Room Tips For a Much Better Stay

Whether travelling for business or pleasure, picking the right accommodation is very essential for a much relaxing and productive stay. After all, your hotel room is where you spend your "down time" during your trip. But how do you ensure a much better stay inside your room? Upon arrival Talk […]

Travel and living

Places to Visit In New York

New York is a lovely place, and if you happen to visit the city, there are many tourist spots that you should check out. There are many places to explore, from downtown to uptown. To capture the city's spirit and energy, make your visit count by visiting the top spots […]


The Pros And Cons of Business Travel

Travelling for business isn't always as glamorous as some people might think. Yes a traveller might get to go to an exotic location but the chances of them actually being able to see anything of any interest in quite small. Instead they are stuck in a hotel, office or conference hall […]


How To Wrap Your Parcel

When travelling through a parcel delivery network, your parcel will be handled several times as it is loaded on and off vehicles, conveyor belts and aircrafts-it's during these shipping processes that that your parcel will experience small impacts, compressions, bumps, jolts or vibrations in transit. As the shipper, it's up […]