Search Results for "rate increases"


Create a Well Developed Go-To-Market Strategy for Optimized Decision-Making

Organizations have many functional areas (Sales, Marketing, Development, Finance, etc.) and moving parts (people). The development and execution of the go-to-market strategy gives the organization focus and direction by providing a framework for decision-making. Specifically, when opportunities and obstacles present themselves, the go-to-market strategy should be the viewing lens. . If the strategy […]


Online Merchandising Strategies

Building a profitable and scalable e-commerce business requires flexible merchandising and an effective infrastructure. Flexible merchandising (delivering value and quality in meeting customer needs) is covered in this article. Effective infrastructure (building efficient processes to create the information required for flexible merchandising) is covered later in the article. Flexible Merchandising […]


Strategies for Managing Your Online Reputation

The first page of Google can make or break you. If anything bad appears on this page, whether it's true or not, it will destroy you. Anything which comes after the second page largely doesn't matter because nobody goes there anyway. There are professional agencies which can manage your online […]


Coping with Winter-Simple Survival Strategies

Most people who live in the northern hemisphere dread the onset of winter. The cold weather, the short days and the dreaded flu all contribute to a feeling of gentle gloom. The Blues Some people also are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)-this is due to shorter natural daylight during […]

Web design

Website Design: 5 Things To Keep In Mind

The design process is powerful. Many companies are realizing the power of design to attract customers. For this reason, you should take into account certain essential aspects of website and app design that will help you strengthen your brand. Here, we give you some general guidelines so you can create […]


10 Techniques that Lead to Increased Site Traffic

Turning from basic SEO methods to advanced ones lies in your hands through smart planning and devising. You know well that Google is the internet giant much in use for products and services. You need more clicks for your website to rank high in Google search. Even a slight increase […]