Search Results for "oranges"

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Keeping Your Mind in Shape

Earlier today, celebrated YA Author Maureen Johnson published a post about her experience with anxiety to her Tumblr. In that post, she talks about how common anxiety really is and–this is important–just how separate from the sufferer it can be. Just like depression, anxiety can lie to the person who suffers from […]


Best Ways to Reduce Appetite

There is a lot of information online on how to reduce your appetite, however several pieces of advice aren't useful. That's why we have only selected what actually works. Some advice sounds weird or funny. – watching of disgusting images in order to lose your appetite (the advice that may […]


Foods That Are Good For Your Teeth

Taking care of your teeth is extremely important. JustSmiles suggests, "Annual dental exams and having good oral hygiene essential to ensure your teeth, gums, and mouth are healthy". Gum disease can lead to other, more serious illnesses, so be sure to take your oral hygiene seriously. Aside from brushing, flossing […]


How to Stay Healthy

We do not pay any attention to our health, at least not until we are sneezing or coughing. It's how people work, we do not appreciate the things we have, and we only pay attention when we are afraid of losing it. Staying healthy is not an easy task, and […]