Search Results for "healthy chicken"


What is Protein Expression and How Does It Work

Protein expression is the process by which a protein is produced from a DNA sequence and its corresponding genes. Proteins are vital to all living things as they perform most of the body’s functions, such as providing structure, carrying out chemical reactions, or transporting molecules. Protein expression involves transcription into […]


How to Get Your Body Summer Ready

Are you desperate to get the perfect summer body this year? Well, you have come to the right place. Whilst we can’t wait for summer, you’re not alone if the thought of wearing shorts, bikinis, and crop tops for the next few months leaves you feeling insecure and nervous. But […]


10 Superfoods That Can Boost Your Mental Health

While you probably already know that eating healthy is essential for your physical health, you may not be aware that there are several foods that can boost your mental health as well. Refined sugar and simple carbohydrates may boost your mood temporarily, but the crash that follows a short time […]


5 Simple effective Tips for Fitness Success

Congratulations on getting in shape and feeling great to move forward. Many people are guilty of wanting to eat junk food and watching TV all day can get a scaly body. But this is not just going to happen. Although there seems to be a long, time-consuming process happening in […]


Mediterranean Diet Benefits for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a state that occurs when a person’s bones become weak and brittle, placing them at risk of breaking easily. Once the condition develops, there is no cure to completely reverse its effects. Nevertheless, there are several ways of preventing further damage to the bones, one of which is […]


The Amazing Benefits of Eating Together

It’s quite common to hear that you should always read to your children at night. However, there is an activity that exposes your child to 700% more unique words than reading, and is correlated with high test scores for older children and teenagers. That activity is eating family meals together. […]


What A Meal On The Ketogenic Diet Looks Like

When people first read about the ketogenic diet, they have a lot of questions. To be honest, the principles of keto are almost mind blowing: eat high fat to lose fat…yeah… sure. But the cool thing is that there’s tons of science-based evidence behind the ketogenic diet and why it […]


5 Ways to Gain Weight Without Supplements

The easiest thing that is so satisfying and that exist in this world is to “gain weight”. Gaining weight is the easiest task that a person can do. Yes, it does involve efforts but those efforts are so satisfying that no one could resist putting on some weight. But some […]