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Things to Consider While Giving Your Dog Human Food

Before the advancement of commercial pet food in the market, dogs used to live on the scraps of the leftover from human meals. This trend decreased with the gaining popularity of canned and packed pet food in the market. Pet parents mostly prefer to feed their pooches canned and packed pet foods. However, lately the pet parents want to gain more control over what’s going into their pets in the form of diet and what is an ideal diet for them.

In the present time more and more pet parents prefer to feed their dogs home cooked meals so that they know what exactly goes into their diets. While this is arguably an acceptable way to feed the dog, there are certain things that are to be kept in mind before feeding the dog human food. Not all human foods are meant for the dog to eat. It is required for the pet parent to research thoroughly about the dog’s dietary needs and which foods are actually safe to be fed to them.

Gradual Change – A dog’s digestive system might not be able to adopt sudden food changes. This is especially the case when there is a transition made from commercial pet food to human food. It is required that this transition is made gradually. Start by adding a little bit of bland meat, or vegetables in with the dog’s kibble. Adopting a gradual change will not have a sudden effect on the dog’s health.

Diversity – Like us humans, dog’s too like diversity in their food. Feeding your dog one kind of food, such as only meat or chicken might bore them. It is also required that they are being fed a complete meal. Hence, incorporating grains and vegetables into their diets will balance out an entire meal. Adopting this method will help ease the process of transition from commercial pet food to human food.

Keeping Fat in Check – Though it is true that dogs need to be healthy, feeding them too much fat is never a good option. Too much fat content in the diet may cause the pet to experience an upset stomach and also will require a visit to the vet. It is therefore required to do a detailed research about what and what not to feed the dog. Meals like fatty meats, butter and other high end fat foods are supposed to be kept out of the dog’s diet.

Detailed Research – Before going into the process a detailed research is required beforehand. Knowing what’s safe and what’s not in terms of the diet to be fed is very important. It is not necessary that the foods that are good for us are equally good for your dogs. Some of the human foods that are considered safe for dogs are peanut butter, yogurt, salmon, pumpkin and sweet potatoes. While some of the foods that should never be fed to the dogs are chocolate, grapes, onions and avocados. A vet’s opinion is very essential in terms of what should or should not be fed to the dog and in which proportion. Maintaining a proper diet plan proves to be effective and is essential considering the dog’s health.

Moderation in Diet – Feeding the dog a well-balanced diet counts for a healthy pet. The food that you choose to share with your dog should not be high in fats, sugars and calories. It causes obesity amongst dogs. Sharing food in smaller amounts and in the right proportion prevents the dog from becoming obese. Feeding the dog food that is in the correct amount in terms of carbohydrates, fats and proteins accounts for a well-balanced diet. It also fulfills the nutritional benefits as required in a dog’s diet.

Author Bio

Esha Sinha is a seasoned writer who has over the years contributed quality content on various high-profile websites. She has particularly excelled in niches like Fashion, Business, Entrepreneurship, Education, Pet Healthcare etc. Her professionalism, four year’s experience, and expertise make her one of the most sought-after content writers in the field.

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