Search Results for "healthy blood"

Elder care

Benefits of Alkaline Water for Blood

What is blood acidity? This is the condition that many physicians, scientists, and nutritionists consider the root cause of all our illnesses. From a common headache to indigestion, acne or cold, as well as the full spectrum of adverse conditions of our health, these are all problems caused by over-acidity […]


Healthy Food that You Should Eat Everyday

With all the pollution and infections infiltrating into our everyday lives, it has become quite impossible to keepsickness at bay. In the never-ending struggle between our bodies and viruses, we get singled out as the weak ones, suffering the terrible outcomes every single day. Therefore, it has become extremely important […]


A Healthy Diet Contributes to Cognitive Impairment

Eating fruits, vegetables, fish and nuts, as well as reducing alcohol intake and red meat, contributes to cognitive abilities and memory improvement. These findings add to existing research linking a healthy diet along with a lower risk of dementia. The scientists, led by Andrew Smyth, of McMaster University in Hamilton, […]


Healthy Replacements of Junk Food

In the fast world, we live in, junk food literally surrounds us. This is truly a serious problem, which can be decided, as long as we use some little tricks. Our eating can be healthy and as delicious as it is, if we find the right substitutes of the junk […]


Manage Your Blood Pressure without Medicines

One of the reasons for your injury which can kill you is your un-managed high blood pressure, which is also known as HBP. No surprised that it is often regarded as the "silent killer". HBP has no such symptoms that you may be aware. It will silently damage different organs, including […]


Foods that Can Spike Your Blood Pressure

With high blood pressure "on the rise" in American society more and more of us are following the health conscious trend to protect our bodies. But what many people don't know is that there are specific foods that can spike your blood pressure alone. With a third of our nation […]


Unhealthy Habits to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most prominent and delicate phases of a woman's life which brings a lot of responsibilities towards a pregnant lady and her unborn. Whether it is about regular diet or body maintenance, she need to be careful in all aspects and it starts from the day […]