A vivid example of how useful food is turned into harmful if you consume it in great amounts. Sushi is seldom a subject to heat treatment, so we treat it as a healthy food. But in restaurants they serve us fish with a high mercurial containment. And if you consume too much of it, you could get food poisoning symptoms. Which exactly? Insomnia, nausea, hair loss and elevated blood pressure. However, SushiFork of Tulsa serve bio food.
Cereals are considered the foundation of a healthy breakfast. Many people turn down eggs and bacon in favor of muesli. But there is a dark secret hidden beneath the packs of cereals placed on the store shelves. A ready-made pack of muesli contains nearly 500 calories and a copious load of sugar in one serving. So, should you seek to break your fast on truly healthy muesli, buy a pack of oats, dried fruits, sunflower seeds, fix the whole thing up and enjoy a genuine muesli breakfast, not a counterfeit forgery of a healthy meal.
Fitness bars
Most often you'll find fitness bars in a special sports department at your local mall, offering ‘healthy' and ‘nutritious' foods. However, all these snacks, sports drinks and other ‘solutions' are in no way could be called healthy. Sometimes, a fitness candy is more harmful than a common choc. The truth is that with 500 calories in one fitness bar you can't count on any of the far-fetched benefits overblown by foxy marketing minds.
Defat yoghurt
Trying to lose weight, people opt for products with as little fat containment as possible. When you buy a defat yoghurt and think you've just taken the bull by the horns, you're so wrong. While making defat yoghurt, it loses taste. To return the taste, manufacturers throw a plethora of sugar and artificial favorers into it, so you'd better have bought traditional ‘fat' yoghurt from the start.
Gluten-free products
In case you're forbidden to consume gluten for medical reasons, you've no other choice rather than follow a gluten-free diet. For the rest of us, gluten-free products are the waste of money, for such food contains a low level of fiber and antioxidants. So, if you don't have any gluten contraindications, consume gluten without a second thought.
Wholegrain products
Whole grain is useful, for it contains a great amount of fiber a Vitamin B. However, you should be careful, as witty manufacturers label ‘wholegrain' those products that are so to a quite low degree. A whole grain is the one containing all parts of a seed. Peeled seeds, which are most often encountered in supermarkets, have a less consistent structure, offering a much lower nutrition value.
Popcorn is maize, and maize is good, right? Absolutely, but not as long as your maize is in the form of popcorn. The Hint is that corn prepared in a microwave is a rather bad idea, as popcorn contains diacetyl, which is added to all artificial oils. And although diacetyl is ‘safe' for food consumption, it's harmful when inhaled. And since popcorn's flavor is, well, gorgeous, it still contains diacetyl you inhale with the flavor of cheese, bacon or caramel.
Frozen dinner
A salvation for busy people (as marketing experts put it in their ads), but harmful in any way. The fact is that ready-to-cook foods are too, TOO salted. When frozen, most products lose their taste, which is a problem solved by adding salt, sugar and saturated fat in copious qualities. A ton of salt, a teaspoon of at least any good. Calling that shame, a convenience food is the greatest culinary mockery humanity has ever pulled.
Muffin fiends have a quite impressive excuse: muffins are much better than sweets, candies and donuts! True, partially, but one muffin contains from 400 to 800 calories! If your life without muffins loses meaning, at least try to opt for a muffin with as simple ingredient list as possible. In such cupcake, it's much harder to hide sugar, fat and calories.
Peanut butter and candied fruit
Nuts are great, dried fruits are awesome. They improve our wellbeing, help fight obesity and raise daily moods. But when nuts are turned into butter and when dried fruits are turned into candied fruits, all the benefits vapor at once. Instead, you get sugar, salt, preservatives and dye-stuff. No good such concoction has ever brought to a person with an eye for a healthy diet.
Bio: Liz Taylor is a full-time journalist at exploring the issues of cultural adaptation in the US. She is a fan of active leisure and devotes her free time to photography. She has a bachelor's degree in liberal arts and considers herself an urban activist.