Search Results for "handling water"


Propylene Glycol: What It Is and Its Uses

Propylene glycol is a colorless and odorless liquid which can be derived from natural gas, petroleum, or vegetable sources. It is widely used because of its relatively low cost and versatile nature. Propylene Glycol is found in many personal-care products like hair conditioner, shampoo, and styling products. The industrial-grade is […]


You Could Be in Trouble With the IRS

You may think that if you pay your taxes on time and complete them to the best of your knowledge, that you won’t have any trouble with the IRS. However, there are several situations that could lead to tax trouble and the need for a talented tax relief attorney. Innocent […]


Environmental Protection in Oil and Gas Industry

Before an oil company can start with construction, drilling or modification of onshore oil and gas production fields, it needs to obtain approvals from various government agencies. In addition to building and drilling permits, legal hurdles include air emissions, discharges to surface water systems, injection activities, impact on the threatened […]


Why Do HID Bulbs Last Longer Than Halogen Bulbs?

HID bulbs are quickly replacing Halogen bulbs as the preferred form of lighting used on motor vehicles. These bulbs consume less energy, produce brighter light and last longer than their halogen counterparts. Since the most notable advantage of HID bulbs is their extended lifespan, let’s take a deeper look at […]

polymer testing laboratory

How to Test Quality of PET Bottles?

In today’s modern era, polymers have become an indispensable part of our lives. They are in extensive usage because of their properties like durability, easy handling and versatility. We have become largely dependent on polymers like plastic such that we can see its existence all around us. Our world has […]

beautiful nails without dry skin around the nails

Causes of Skin Peeling on Fingernails

Your hands must be the most hardworking part of your body. See, even when you’re not actually moving from your desk, typing away your fingers to get your job done can possibly make your fingers run the total of a mile in just a couple of hours. Sadly, that dry […]