Across the globe, Quartz worktops are the latest kitchen favorites for interior decorators. It is the ideal match for you if you are looking for a durable, long-lasting, easy to handle, and aesthetically pleasing worktop material for your kitchen.
Quartz doesn’t demand the need to be polished or re-sealed like the granite worktops. They are available in various color schemes and patterns, which gives you the space for a diverse choice. One of the significant advantages which Quartz holds over other materials is the low maintenance and long-lasting charm.
But, the result will always depend on the way you choose to treat the product, in spite of the high durability, The better the care, longer the charm. Here are five simple tips on how to clean quartz worktops.
Don’t Sit On The Stain
Quartz is also amongst the most preferred kitchen workstation materials because they don’t absorb the stain, and hence, a quick wipe would solve the problem. But even the lightest pf the stains will trouble you for days if you don’t wipe it out, right away. So, it is vital to clean the stain as soon as possible to avoid any remaining spots on the counter.
Mild Household Cleaners Work The Magic For Stickier Stains
When the stains are stickier, getting a little worried about them is natural. But, since Quartz is handy material and allows rough and carefree handling, just a mild cleaner will easily help you get rid of the stain. One of the major tips, when it comes to the topic of “How to clean quartz worktops” is the need to avoid applying pressure or rubbing the worktop when cleaning. It’ll only hamper the durability and life of your worktop.
Alcohol And Dish Detergents Are Lifesavers
The kitchen is the most stain-prone area of the house. You can never anticipate the kind of stain that you might have to encounter. If the cause behind your stain was an acidic or abrasive material, then it is necessary to be quick in dealing with it and using a stronger cleaner to do so. Don’t go about, looking for strong household cleaners, because they might be acid-based a will only complicate the stain further. Instead, mix one-part alcohol in three parts detergent, and you’ll get the most effective cleaner for your cleaning chore.
Your Quartz Worktops Hate These Items
Although Quartz welcomes rough handling, still there are certain items that may harm your worktop permanently, and you should avoid using such substances or liquids around it. No tips on How to Clean Quartz worktops will be able to help you get rid of such stains. The items are:
- Scouring pads
- Abrasive cleaners
- Harsh cleaning solutions
- High pH substances
- Ammonia
- Lemon
- Bleach
These items are acidic and caustic and will permanently destroy the Quartz.
In contrast, there are certain items which can be comfortably used on Quartz; these are:
- Warm water
- Mild dish soap
- Soft cleaning cloth
- Nonabrasive sponge
- Degreasing cleaner
- Plastic putty knife
- Glass cleaner
These items go perfectly well and can be used without giving it a second thought. For most of the kitchen items, Quartz provides the comfort f use without worrying about the stains.
Damp Paper Towels On The Go
For most of the regular stains, damp paper towels or cloth works wonders with Quartz. Whenever you have to deal with a regular stain, grab a paper towel or cloth, damp it lightly and wipe the stain off gently. The non-absorbing characteristic of Quartz makes it easier to take care of stains.
These were some of the essential tips about cleaning tips to be used for quartz worktops. One of the significant points of consideration is the amount of time for which you let the stain stay at the workstation. Make sure to wipe off the stains as soon as possible to have the best results. However, in spite of the best efforts to take care of kitchen worktops, the sheen will wither off with time, but some additional efforts to take care of the product will increase its lifespan.
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