Search Results for "bladder log"

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How to Maintain an Endoscope

Endoscopic procedures are very common. They are popular, because they are minimally invasive, leaving patients with almost no recovery time and no scarring. But what is an endoscope and how does it work? Endoscopic Equipment Essentially, an endoscope is a lengthy tube that doctors use to look at the inside […]


When a Suprapubic Catheter is Necessary

Many people who undergo suprapubic catheter insertion have concerns about safety. A study published in the Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2006 addresses this concern. The study looked at a total of 219 patients who underwent suprapubic catheter insertion utilizing cystoscopic guidance at two urology […]

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Safety of Inositol Hexanicotinate

Inositol hexanicotinate is considered as safe to be consumed by most people. It is also known as IP6 (also called phytic acid). But certain side effects are observed such as stomach upset, headache, nausea, burping and liver damage in very few cases. Inositol is considered as no flush niacin meaning […]


Tips to Help Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

While genetics can play a crucial role in your chances of getting cancer, there are some things that you can do to reduce your risk. From eating a healthy diet to getting regular physical exams, you can increase your chances of enjoying a happy, healthy and long life with the […]


Overview : Types of Uterine Fibroid, Causes and Treatment

What are fibroids? Uterine fibroids (otherwise called fibromyomas, Leiomyomas or myomas) are developments made of smooth muscle cells that show up in the uterus during childbearing years. The developments are not threatening nor are they identified with growth, but rather they are delegated tumors. They are to a great degree […]


Prostate Cancer-Disorder Summary

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men which is mostly found in older men. Nearly 1 out of 6 men will probably receive a prostate cancer diagnosis sometime in their lives. The National Cancer Institute estimated that nearly 8% of men between the age range 50-70 will […]


Contamination Extermination

Whenever performing an equipment audit, it surprises me to still see poor breathers such as J-Tubes installed in equipment. I have encountered these open breathers in all sorts of equipment from units operating in moist conditions such as steel mills, paper mills, even systems operating outside. In today’s reality, it […]


Contamination Extermination

Whenever performing an equipment audit, it surprises me to still see poor breathers such as J-Tubes installed in equipment. I have encountered these open breathers in all sorts of equipment from units operating in moist conditions such as steel mills, paper mills, even systems operating outside. In today’s reality, it […]