Search Results for "Physician"


What Is Cardano, and Why Do They Call It ADA?

Experienced crypto investors note a significant growth in cryptocurrency demand. That’s because people worldwide are looking for reliable assets to store their funds. This trend is intensified by the rising tension in the geopolitical situation over the world. That’s because the latter enhances the inflation risks for fiat money. However, […]


What Is Medical Residency?

Medical residency is a period of postgraduate training in a specialty, such as internal medicine or surgery. The purpose of the medical residency is to train new doctors who become eligible to practice medicine independently. Overview of Residency Residency is a postdoctoral training period in the medical profession. Doctors-in-training will […]


7 Tips for Nurses to Hone Critical Thinking Skills

In the nursing literature, the term critical thinking is used interchangeably with clinical decision-making and problem-solving. Problem-solving deals with the identification of oncoming issues and the development of solutions. On the other hand, critical thinking is a broader term that includes asking questions and proposing resolutions. Nurses often work in […]