Search Results for "in-depth"


How to Use Charms in Windows 8

"Charms" is a great new feature in Windows 8 as part of its interface and design. Charms allows the user to take advantage of relevant options which stay hidden until needed. I consider this new feature similar to the right-click for full-screen applications with the difference that traditional right-click context […]


How To Find The Best Web Directories?

Adding your website to a web directory can increase visibility and bring in new traffic. But not all web directories are created equal. Web directories that are well regarded by Google will improve the search ranking of your page, but those that Google regards as spam sites can actually hurt […]


The Multi-functional Ability of Lanyards

Given the functionality and personalization level of lanyards, it is a logical choice to use them as a powerful marketing tool. Different types of lanyards are used as a simple neck accessory that has surpassed the high-priced promotional products. These accessories have become today's marketing mainstays. For centuries, lanyards lacked […]

Web design

How to Make a Resume Website

Welcome to the 21st century! A digital era where more importance than ever is placed on your online profile. This is your guide to building a website so that when potential employers are looking through candidates, your web presence can pull you ahead to the front of the pack. Seriously, […]


Why GMO Labeling is Important

GMO (genetically modified organisms) are organisms that have had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. Not all foods are genetically modified, but many of the staple food crops, including corn, soy, and wheat are overwhelmingly genetically altered. As GMOs have become more common in supermarkets, this has raised concern about […]