
Are You A Good Candidate for a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies?

teacherHave you considered going back to school for a graduate degree? A master of arts in liberal studies might be just what you're looking for. A degree in liberal studies offers an opportunity to explore life's most challenging questions. The program is designed to help students develop critical thinking and communication skills to aid in every facet of their lives. Students in liberal studies explore fields such as fine arts, English, physics, history, biology, philosophy and much more. If you answer yes to most or all of the following questions, you could be an ideal candidate for a graduate degree in liberal studies.

1) Do you have a desire for new knowledge?

If you love learning simply for the sake of learning, a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies provides the perfect avenue for personal enrichment. Lifelong learners and those who value in-depth discussions often thrive in liberal studies because they prize the pursuit of knowledge. Liberal studies students also delight in analyzing and investigating intricate questions from an interdisciplinary perspective.

2) Do you crave meaningful academic discussion?

Many students learn best through lively academic discussion with peers and professors. Whether you prefer classroom-based or online learning communities, members of a diverse student body challenge each other to grow personally and professionally. Because liberal studies is an interdisciplinary field at its core, discussion from many viewpoints is vital for a well-rounded education. A degree in liberal studies provides an open space for healthy debate, and the chance to learn more from individuals with varied backgrounds.

3) Do you require flexibility in your graduate studies?

For working adults and those with tight schedules, a graduate program must be flexible. Many graduate liberal arts degrees offer online, classroom-based and hybrid learning environments so that students can tailor the course schedule to meet their specific needs. Online classes fit well into the lives of working adults or those with limited transportation options, while others prefer the face-to-face interactions of a classroom. Whatever your preference may be, liberal arts is a highly personalized and rewarding field.

4) Do you seek out passionate and knowledgeable professors?

Professors help students enrich their lives in countless ways, often acting as mentors and expanding horizons. Faculty and staff work closely with students to help them hone their critical thinking skills and academic abilities. If you thrive under the instruction of knowledgeable and engaging professors, a graduate degree in liberal arts can be a fulfilling way to further your education.

5) Do you have defined personal and academic goals?

With a graduate degree in liberal studies, you can customize a program to fit your unique interests and academic pursuits. Obsessed with biology and history? Work with your professors and advisors to plan a course of study around those areas of interest. For example, the University of Miami’s Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program allows students to tailor their studies to meet their academic goals. Your graduate degree is a path to personal growth, so be sure to select a program that meets your individual needs as a student and lifelong learner.

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