Search Results for "hair products"


How Men Can Look Younger

You may not be ready to start looking at retirement homes yet, but your face could be showing more signs of your age than you'd like to admit. They haven't found a way to literally turn back time, but that doesn't mean you can't fool everyone by finding ways to […]


Teach Your Son How to Shave

If you're a father and have sons, then there is one important lesson you will eventually have to pass down: how to properly shave. Believe it or not, there is a lot of information that goes into shaving, including finding the right tools, proper etiquette, demonstrating, and more. Follow these […]


What an Esthetician Can Do for You?

If you're looking for quality care and maintenance advice on the preservation of your skin, an esthetician could be just the right professional to seek out. All the products and services out there that claim to give you more youthful looking skin and to reduce acne and other blemishes can […]

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Ingenious Uses for DNA Testing

From answering questions about long-lost relatives to solving complex crimes, the uses of DNA are many and varied. To demonstrate just how varied these uses are, here's a list of just some of the things scientists can use DNA testing to do: 1) Catch a Cheating Spouse Modern technology makes […]


Advantages of a Salt Water Chlorination System

The traditional method of disinfecting swimming pools is the use of chlorine in a tablet or liquid form. Although the traditional chlorine method of sanitizing is effective, there are also a variety of unfavorable effects when using chlorine. Salt water chlorinator generation systems have gained popularity as a safer, more […]


Personal Hygiene & Food Safety in Catering

Food poisoning is a serious business. In some very rare cases it can be lethal. Fortunately, it’s incredibly easy to avoid. As long as basic hygiene and food safety rules are always followed, nasty bugs like salmonella, e-coli and staphylococcus will never manage to gain a foothold on food or […]


Generation Gadget: The Top Gadgets For Your Kids

There's no escaping the ongoing gadget revolution. It seems that every week there is a new development in the labs of Apple or Microsoft, hundreds of new apps flooding our iOS and Android devices' stores, different gizmos presenting a whole new host of challenges to master. While our relationships with our gadgets […]