Search Results for "King Louis"


Pandemic and its after-effects in businesses

The rapidly evolving threat around the COVID-19 virus, commonly referred to as coronavirus, is impacting businesses around the globe. It is seen that companies, businesses, and governments are taking a measured approach to safeguard employees and mitigate financial and operational exposure. Needless to say, whether we like to admit it […]


The Best Car TV Shows for Gearheads

For car-lovers, the only thing more satisfying than getting an up-close and personal tour of an awesome ride is getting to drive one. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have unlimited access to the world’s coolest autos, which is why we’re so grateful for the car TV shows that take us […]

Travel and living

Discover the Best of New Orleans

Fondly known as the “Big Easy,” New Orleans is a vibrant and lively city in Louisiana, famous for its music, nightlife and delicious food. It is a most interesting and captivating city, one you must surely put on your travel bucket list. If you’re planning to visit New Orleans soon, […]

Other stories

Roulette Facts – Myths and Truth

Roulette is by far one of the most fascinating online gambling, wrapped in mysteries, superstitions, fantastic stories, real dramas and is probably the only game that truly transposes you into the luxurious life of Las Vegas. While slot games have a clear history and a well-defined ancestry, the origin of […]


How Digital PR Will Skyrocket Your Brand Recognition

Historically, traditional public relations have always been very effective at attracting customers’ attention. However, with the rise of the internet and social media, this has slightly changed, as customers seem to be more engaging on brand-promotional content when taken through modern online channels such as social media, influencers, and digital […]


The Best 6 PC Games of 2017-2018

Games are always our best friend! More than humans now people are in love with games, the thrill of firing guns, running through weird places or driving your way forward in video games just is irresistible. Also, when it comes to gaming, PC has always been nominated as the best gaming […]


The Best 6 PC Games of 2017

Kids, teenager or adult no matter what your age maybe, video games just cannot be resisted by anyone. Also, when it comes to gaming PC has always dominated to be the best gaming platform thanks to its capabilities to deliver unmatched graphical performance. First person shooters, RPGs, Survival, horror, adventure […]