We all dream of owning a luxuriously designed handbag designed by Gucci, Versace, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Chanel and the list goes on. There are some of us who have the available funds to purchase what our heart’s desire. There are some of us who save for that one special purchase. Whether you have the funds available or you saved for that once in a lifetime purchase you want to get the most bang for your buck when reselling.
It’s important to do your homework and research the best platforms for the resale of a luxurious name brand handbag. Luckily for you I have done the homework and research to save you time and provide you with information that you can compare and decide which will be the best reselling venue for your specific bag.
For the resale of a luxuriously designed handbag, Rebag is the online site that you want to search. They are knowledgeable when it comes to designer handbags and the resale of luxury bags in the secondary market. They provide you with online access in the resale of your handbag, the purchase of a used handbag, and have an exchange program for those individuals who like to keep their handbag style fresh. They offer free quotes through their mobile app, their online site, and their stores. They provide a listing of designer purses and if your bag is approved (based upon their criteria) you will receive a quote within 2-3 business days. It’s an easy process and they pay upfront. If you would like to resell a Gucci handbag then Rebag is a site worth visiting!
If you are doing spring cleaning and find a Louis Vuitton handbag or other designer bag or accessory that you no longer use then Tradesy makes for a good venue selection for resale. Tracy DiNunzio is the founder of Tradesy and wanted to connect women’s closets in a safe environment. She realized after looking in her own closet that she had lots of good items that she no longer used. Tradesy allows you to create a closet for the resale of your used items. You can check out the site and see what the going price is for your styling of designer bag, which will give you an idea of how to price. It’s easy, convenient, and at your fingertips with a mobile app to use.
Fashionphile has worked hard to establish the reputation of being one of the most trusted in the resale marketplace of luxury designer handbags. Their steps for resale are simple. First, submit the bag that you would like to sell. Second, Fashionphile will email you with a price quote. Third, they provide you with a complimentary shipping label to print at your convenience for shipping your item and provide you with a choice of how you would like to get paid. Fast, simple, fashionable, and as easy as 1, 2, 3!
A company known for its versatility and eco-conscious mentality, Crossroads Trading was a pioneer of the secondhand resale marketplace. Their vision was to provide communities with an additional choice in the retail industry that was both affordable and practical. Crossroads Traders is a good alternative to re-selling your slightly used items. They provide you with a selling guide that informs you of what items they are looking to buy and keep up with the latest trends so their guide is updated on a regular basis. They provide 4 ways to sell and a walk you through tutorial.
Vestiaire Collective is a French company that launched its idea of the resale of luxurious secondhand items by asking themselves one simple question, “Why should so many luxury fashion pieces lie unused in our wardrobe?. They started in 2009 and have grown into a globally operating market which spans 50 countries. They operate out of Europe, the United States, Asia, and Australia. They pride themselves by authenticating every pre-owned luxury item that they sell. They offer sound selling advice and a choice in the resale of your item. You can choose to sell it yourself or allow them to sale it for you. This is a luxury site for the resale of luxury items at a global scale.
For a slightly different venue Heritage Auctions is known as America’s Auction House and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. They are the largest collectibles auctioneer and internet sales leader in their precise field. They offer a free auction appraisal by their trusted experts and a value guide that you can view.
A convenient venue for the resale of a luxurious designer bag is LH Exchange. LH Exchange is an online consignment for luxury items. They offer a free evaluation and have a “How it Works” prompt that can guide you through the online consignment process. It’s an easy email sign-up and you can register an account to work toward the sale of your luxury bag.
For upscale consignment TheRealReal is the real deal. It started at the kitchen table of Julie Wainwright who is its current CEO. Though it had humble beginnings it has grown into one of the most elite sites that has multiple locations across the United States and that operates in a global marketplace by accepting and shipping items around the world. You can request a free consignment kit to get you started with the sale of your item. They provide a “Designer’s” listing and 3 ways that you can consign. They have experts who will work with you and you get to choose your option of payment.
One of the largest online marketplaces for resale is Amazon. If you choose to use AMAZON then it is important for you to research their guidelines for resale and to research the designer bags that are already listed. This will give you an idea of how to price your own. AMAZON reaches an audience of people of over 100 million world-wide. It is a huge platform for resale, but the first step to this global marketplace is registering an account.
Where is the world’s go to place for shopping and selling? Ebay is one of the most renowned online secondary marketplaces world-wide. The number of worldwide buyers on eBay is 180 million. That is a huge audience for the resale of products like the resell Gucci handbag. Their items are categorized, which enables you to research and see what the going price is for an item similar to what you are selling. When selling a slightly used luxury handbag on eBay the bag will be authenticated by an expert. To sell an item you will need to set-up a “My eBay” account.
I have listed my “Top 10” venues for the resale of a luxurious designer handbag. I did the homework and research to provide you with a list that can help you in the resale of your designer bag. The sites that I provided give information that can help narrow down your search as to the best venue to use for resale. Please understand that you do have options and take your time in choosing the best one for the item that you are choosing to sale. There are many venues for re-sell so whether you choose a specific designer online site, consignment, or a worldwide marketplace, take the time to choose the right venue for you.