Search Results for "Daily Life"


A Nursing Student’s Guide to Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Striking a healthy study-work-life balance is a difficult task for nursing students. It becomes even more challenging during the current times of uncertainty. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, most nursing staff and students find themselves working harder than ever before. Consequently, a rising percentage of nursing professionals feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and […]


The Agile System Development Lifecycle Explained

With the rapid change in customer needs, technology design and development have changed. Agile development has adopted an iterative approach for the system development lifecycle. It is a collective developmental method that improves the software continuously. A group of developers focuses on developing the software quickly using a particular method. […]


A Perfect Plan For A Healthy Life

Due to the pandemic going on due to COVID-19, we all have changed. Since we can’t go out, our bodies have changed, some have lost weight, some have gained weight. The awkward shapes that our bodies are in now are causing a lot of physical and mental tension. Dealing with […]

Travel and living

6 Lighting Hacks for a Healthy Lifestyle

In summers, we bask under the natural light, oftentimes, the luxury of it all seems too easily accessible to be cherished thoroughly – one of the much-unappreciated benefits of healthy natural lighting. The sweet chill of winter beckons a path for approaching dim natural light – disinclines us to take […]


5 Ways Quitting Cigarettes Can Improve Your Life

You are probably familiar with the statistics that state how quitting cigarettes can have an almost-instantly positive impact on your health. For instance, as reports, just 20 minutes after smoking your final cigarette your heart rate and blood pressure will drop, two to three weeks later your lung function will […]


Why Your Modern Lifestyle Demands a Chiropractor

Our modern lifestyles demand commitment during every single moment. This means whether intentionally or not, you’d be spending most of your time working on something or being social. The constant work vs. play aesthetic looks great from the outside but, has a lot of pitfalls when viewed from the arena […]