Search Results for "likelihood"


The Major Benefits of Getting an MBA

For the past few decades, the need for education to succeed in the business world has continued to increase. In years past, people could get by without having anything more than an associate’s or bachelor’s degree, but more and more businesses are beginning to require that their top executives have a […]

Small business

Post-Calamity Entrepreneurship

It is hard to rise up from the ruins of what was once your home and your livelihood. People from the Philippines have the momentary spotlight in that regard, as they struggle to build their lives up from square one. Nature was particularly cruel to this island nation; after the […]


Coping with Winter-Simple Survival Strategies

Most people who live in the northern hemisphere dread the onset of winter. The cold weather, the short days and the dreaded flu all contribute to a feeling of gentle gloom. The Blues Some people also are affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)-this is due to shorter natural daylight during […]

Data security

How to Prevent Mobile Payment Theft and Fraud

The mobile payment trend is on the rise, as more customers are using their smartphones to pay their bills and cover day-to-day expenses. Despite the fact more people are using the technology, an eDigitalResearch study of 2,006 consumers in April 2013, found that 52% of consumers have security concerns, and 40% […]


Bodybuilding Guidelines for Ectomorphs

Do you have difficulty putting on weight? Are your gains less obvious than you would like? The ectomorph body type is often lanky, lean, and armed with a lightning fast metabolism. It is easy to recognize an ectomorph when you see one but it’s harder to provide the right advice […]


How to Avoid Anchor Text Over-Optimization Penalties

Most businesses realize the power of search engine optimization (SEO), but some get a little over-zealous and repetitive in their efforts. With 2013 bringing a rise in penalties due to Google’s Penguin 2.0 update, now is the time to rethink your SEO strategy and marketing efforts. Namely, you’ll want to […]


Mistakes That Could Lead to Winning Your DUI Case

Being acquitted for the charge of driving under the influence can be the most victorious moment that a criminal defendant may ever experience after going through the complex process of litigation that often requires a sacrifice of money, time, and sometimes job and personal identity. But this is seldom acquired […]