Search Results for "opposed"

Social media

What is Engaging Content on Facebook?

The most engaging content will lead to the best social media marketing campaigns. This can be visual or written which will capture a person's attention. Brands on Facebook often struggle to offer engaging social content. How should Brands engage with their audience? It is crucial you decide what tone of […]

Debt and credit

How to Safely Manage a Clothing Account

If managed correctly, a clothing account can be very helpful. Who doesn't love the idea of shopping for clothes even when you don't have money? However, as with all forms of credit, a clothing account can have its dark side. Here are some tips to manage your account responsibly, while still […]

Fashion Other stories

Religion And Fashion-Uneasy Alliance

Religion and fashion seem diametrically opposed to one another. Religion is by nature based on conformity, conservatism, modesty, and dignity. Fashion, on the other hand stresses individuality, free expression, novelty, and pushing the standards of what is acceptable. The Conservatism of the Pious I have lived in what most people […]

History Politics

Unbelievable Real Life Negotiations

Businesspeople often treat their negotiations as a matter of life and death, even when they really aren't. However, what would happen if the stakes were higher than a handful of jobs, the price of a majority stock option, or even the future of an entire company? Here are seven real-life […]


Poor Lighting Can Affect Your Health

It is not a secret that bad lighting at home or in the workplace can affect your health. If you're used to reading books in a dark place you shouldn't be surprised when your vision deteriorates. Proper lighting is essential for people who enjoy reading or have to work in […]


Fashion Expressions in Teens Versus Adults

Teenage-hood is a time of expressions. Looking back into my teenage fashion, I experimented a lot with hair colors, patterns and length. There's a lot you can get away when you're at that age. If you want to express some teenage angst, you can go black and dark. If you feel girly, you can […]