Search Results for "reporting"


Top 5 reliable companies for your data mining needs

The comprehensive goal of data mining is to draw out information and convert it into useful understandable structure for further use. It helps understand the current market trends and gather information about the future prospects, which eventually aids in assisting with driving revenue and cutting costs. Top 5 companies that […]


What Are Business Audits and Why Are They Necessary?

For both listed and limited liability companies, audits are a necessary part of operations, and are usually conducted every year. They can reveal the overall financial health of a company, and are usually conducted by a professional firm such as RSM. Here is some useful information about audits, including the […]


How can Affiliate Marketing help your Business

Nowadays, Affiliate Marketing is gaining popularity. It is gaining its place in the marketing strategy of businesses. It is a kind of marketing arrangement where an E-commerce retailer will pay the commission to an external website. The commission is paid for the sales generated through the external website. Simply, the […]


HQLA and Collateral Management

High quality liquid assets (HQLA) have gained increased attention from regulators, liquidity managers and collateral managers following the 2008 financial crisis. Banks have been required to more clearly define and manage liquidity with regulations for cashflow mismatch risk (CFMR) and the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) directly targeting HQLA standards for […]