Search Results for "effective insurance"


Leaving Tax Money on the Table

If you enjoy the occasional poker game like I do, you would not think about leaving your money on the table when you leave the game. In my tax preparation experience, I have noticed that many people do this every year. Your tax software will assist you to ensure that you […]

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3 Ways to Save Money When Moving

Moving is a big and very stressful decision. As exciting as it may be to move into a new house or an apartment, leaving the old one is not so easy. Moving requires a lot of hassle-some packing and organizing tasks that can cost a lot of money if you […]


The Pros and Cons of a Choosing a Gastric Balloon

A lot of people are turning to surgical procedures in order to resolve their problems with being overweight. Medical procedures and technology are improving on an almost daily basis and most insurance companies now cover weight loss surgery subject to certain criteria. But even if the insurance company does not […]

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The Financial Benefits of Quitting Smoking Now

You’re probably already aware of how bad smoking is for your health. If that hasn’t convinced you to quit already (it should have) maybe some financial considerations might help. The reality is, smoking regularly makes a huge dent in your budget-it could actually be crippling you financially. Most people should […]

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Are Drunk-Proof Vehicles Cruising to Your City?

According to the FBI report, “Crime in the United States, 2013“ approximately 300,000 people drive drunk every day, but less than 4,000 are actually arrested. In any case, drunk driving is serious and results in a significant number of accident-related injuries and even death. However, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has a […]


Tips for Buying your First New Cars

Buying new cars is something that can cause uncertainty. While the process does get easier each time, the first purchase can be quite intimidating if you aren’t sure exactly how to go about it. Here are some tips that can help you when it comes time to buy your very […]