Search Results for "m bằng"


Guide on Buying Opal Jewellery

Opals stand out for featuring a magnificent array of shiny hues, complete with iridescent flashes that capture the eye when they are seen from different angles. The beauty of these superb gems is that each stone is unique. If you're looking to buy opal jewellery, the following guide will give […]

Society & Culture

The Importance of Jewellry in the Indian Culture

The discovery of several handcrafted decorations in distinct substances at excavation sites indicates that jewelry has consistently been an important part of custom and convention. Before the discovery of precious metals, it’s considered decorations were made with natural materials like clay, stones, wood, bones, feathers and many more. From Indian […]


Christmas Gift Ideas for Friends and Family

Christmas is a period of peace and love that is best marked with the exchange of gifts among loved ones. Without gifts, Christmas can be said to be incomplete! Through gifts, you are able to convey your love, care and concern for your loved ones. A Christmas gift is unique […]


Recommended Notebooks for 2014

You’ve heard all the hype about how smartphones and tablets are taking the technology world by storm, how internet-reliant netbooks and portable devices are rendering the traditional computer obsolete, and how the golden age of laptops is behind us. However, the laptop is far from dead. Sure, we’re not as […]


What to Avoid when Studying for the LSAT

If you are just beginning to start on your LSAT prep, here are a couple of rookie mistakes to steer clear of. 1. Opting for a LSAT prep course without doing adequate research There are many LSAT prep courses that are taught by instructors that haven't even managed to score […]