Search Results for "addiction"


Means of Coping with Chronic Back Pain

Back pain, especially the chronic kind, is not easy to cope with. It is one of the major problems one can face on daily basis. You can't concentrate due to bothersome pain, you are constantly stressed out, you can't get enough rest, and all of this results in lower performance […]

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Keeping Your Mind in Shape

Earlier today, celebrated YA Author Maureen Johnson published a post about her experience with anxiety to her Tumblr. In that post, she talks about how common anxiety really is and–this is important–just how separate from the sufferer it can be. Just like depression, anxiety can lie to the person who suffers from […]


Great Ways to Recover from Back Pain

Those who have experienced chronic back pain problems can vouch for just how bothersome this condition can be. Generally speaking, it interferes with your daily life to the point that it becomes a primary source of stress. In other words, if you start to experience any minor issues with your back […]