Search Results for "Compliment"


Alternatives To Paper Resumes

You could say a paper resume is an analog tool in a digital world. Even people who still use traditional resumes most likely email the files to recruiters. Many popular devices and websites have almost made it unnecessary to print out your resume. Pinterest, videos, personal websites and LinkedIn are […]


Best Colognes For Men

Colognes are arguably one of the best accessories for the modern man. There are so many colognes on the market these days and you need to know which are top on the list. Ranging from trendy designer labels to classy fragrances, men's colognes reflect individual preferences and personalities. Every cologne […]


Malta Fashion Week News and Details

The third edition of Malta Fashion Week started on Sunday as the designers participating to the event finished making the final touches before the world could see their brand New Spring 2014 collections. And what better location to find than Malta, this southern European country that has already featured two events of the […]

Business Marketing

Deadly Marketing Sins

I was thinking about some of the mistakes I have made in marketing my business and began to delve into why I made those mistakes so I can avoid making them in the future. I came up with a list of "marketing sins" that can keep your marketing from being […]


Why Men Hate Cleaning?

Most men are not very excited when it comes to cleaning house. There are sveral reasons why: They hate having to lug garbage to the landfill. Let’s face it, nobody wants to hook up a trailer to a truck and fill it full of junk only to drive to […]

Internet Marketing

Web Marketing Trends for 2013

Working for both a web development agency and a domain and hosting brand we have visibility over the most significant trends and challenges impacting the web and web marketing. Nowadays there aren’t many businesses choosing to ignore the web as a key customer acquisition channel. So just what are some of the […]