Search Results for "mental disorder"


Top 6 Negative Emotions that Actually Cause Constipation

Who could have thought that being depressed, angry, or anxious makes you susceptible to constipation? There is now a study linking chronic constipation to anxiety and depression. Leading medical experts believe that constipation has an emotional basis. It seems you will have to do more than dietary modifications, exercising and […]

Dual diagnosis: Alcoholism and depression

Dual Diagnosis: Alcoholism and Depression

According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 16.6 million adults above the age of 18 and 697,000 adolescents met criteria for diagnosis with an alcohol use disorder in 2013. Alcoholism can cause many serious physical health problems, and it may also cause depression and other mental […]


Do Brain Enhancing Supplements Increase Your IQ?

Brain decline is closely perceived as an age-related disorder. Age is not an absolute reason behind the massive brain depletion because many agents can cause brain decline. Some of the brain's decline include loss of memory and reduced brain productivity. The symptoms affect your life significantly because you are bound […]

Elder care

Here's How to Keep Your Brain Young

There's a generally accepted assumption out there that the older you get the more sluggish your brain becomes. The vibrancy of youth gives way to the leathery and forgetfulness of middle age before senility eventually grips us in later life. This need not be the case. The remarkable thing about […]


The A-Z Guide to Gynecomastia

What is Gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is known as enlargement of a man’s chest such that it resembles a woman’s breast. This is basically caused by an endocrinal hormonal imbalance. The imbalance is of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. This disorder is common among pubescent males and in some cases it affects newborn […]


Be Safe When Using Tramadol!

You must be wondering what the hell is this? You can call it Merlin's magic potion or Pomona Sprouts Herb or any other thing you want to, but it is a medicine to cure people who are suffering from pain. It works like morphine but does not intoxicate you, nor […]


Americans Suffer after Hurricanes [Infographic]

Along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, many Americans have been hurt by hurricanes over the last couple of decades. Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy cost hundreds of billions of dollars due to destruction of homes, businesses, and property, and the trend will continue, because these storms are facts of Mother […]


Top Four Online Survey-taking Mistakes

Paid surveys are victims of misconception and abuse. You may think that simply because it is an online job and that it is associated with money, there is an enormous chance of it being a total hoax. If you'll only analyze the situation better, you'll realize that not all online […]

Other stories

Keeping Your Mind in Shape

Earlier today, celebrated YA Author Maureen Johnson published a post about her experience with anxiety to her Tumblr. In that post, she talks about how common anxiety really is and–this is important–just how separate from the sufferer it can be. Just like depression, anxiety can lie to the person who suffers from […]


How Does CFS Affect Your Sex Life?

What is CFS? CFS or Chronic fatigue syndrome is a complex and incapacitating disorder which is associated with profound fatigue that even bed rest can never improve. It may even get worse should the patient be involved in mental or physical activity. The disorder makes one to have reduced participation […]