Search Results for "developed"


Importance of Software Testing Courses

Software Testing is an integral part of the IT industry and is gaining prominence in the wake of increased investments in advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. The market for software testing was valued at USD 37,200 million in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR […]


No more stress and tension with Epitalon?

The process of aging is unavoidable. Looking in the mirror and realizing that your recent bout of stress has taken its toll tends to increase your level of anxiety. By default, this has the effect of speeding up the aging process and can also trigger a variety of other undesirable […]


How Online Education Is Benefited from Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are reshaping almost all industries, including online education. Implementing AI and ML technologies allows creating customized content and personalized learning paths, enhances performance tracking, and improves management processes. As online learning became more widespread because of the global lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more […]


Mobile App Development Trends to Know in 2021

Mobile applications are gaining popularity every day and are actively integrated into everyday life. Consumer expectations are outstripping the development of mobile applications along with the number of purchased smartphones. The mobile revolution is gaining momentum. This means that the mobile app development services market has a large margin of […]

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5 Reasons Crafts Are a MUST in Kindergarten

Kindergarten is often described as the foundation of a child’s education, the start of their learning journey. There is a good reason for this. When children are young they are capable of absorbing information with minimal effort. It’s the perfect time to teach them as many different things as possible. […]