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5 Reasons Crafts Are a MUST in Kindergarten

Kindergarten is often described as the foundation of a child’s education, the start of their learning journey. There is a good reason for this. When children are young they are capable of absorbing information with minimal effort. It’s the perfect time to teach them as many different things as possible.

A good kindergarten, such as this facility offering early learning in Chatswood, will make the most of this opportunity to ensure the children have the best possible start in life.

Part of this means using crafts in kindergarten, there are 5 reasons why this is an essential part of the process.

  1. Develops Fine Motor Skills

Crafts require children to engage and physically undertake tasks. Doing things like cutting cardboard or even stacking blocks will help the children develop better hand-eye coordination. Alongside this, using scissors, picking up small objects, and even drawing, will help children to improve their fine motor skills.

In short, it helps the muscles in their fingers and hands develop to give them the strength and dexterity they need in later life.

  1. Socialization

Children that go to early learning facilities tend to be better at socializing with others. This is because they have started from a young age and developed their skills. But, you can’t socialize if you are sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher. In fact, this is more likely to be detrimental to their education and behaviour as children will get bored and distracted easily.

Creating craft time means children can interact with each other and improve their social skills. This is through conversation and the need to share tools and resources.

It’s a great way to get children thinking about others.

  1. Improves Expression

Young children are just starting to experience an array of emotions. It can be hard for them to understand what all the emotions and feelings they are developing do. As such, they may find it difficult to express what they feel.

Crafting gives them an opportunity to explore these feelings and express them in a safe environment. They will be able to create things that show what they are dreaming of, what they fear, and an array of other emotions.

The educators can use these things to help the children understand their emotions and deal with them.

  1. Encourages Them To Decide

Most children have their decisions made for them. This is generally due to practicality as children may not know which decision to make o appreciate how that decision affects the world around them.

That’s why it is a good idea to give children limited choices. It stops decision-making from being overwhelming and allows them to start being decisive.

Kindergarten encourages decision making by starting simple. For example, giving a child the choice of clay colours or perhaps giving them an array of tools to choose from for a specific project and allowing them to experiment with which is best.

It’s all useful information for the future and increases the likelihood of them being happy and supported in life.

  1. Better than Screens

We live in a digital world and children are inevitably going to want and need to learn about screens and using digital technology. However, they also need to use their hands, improve hand-eye coordination, and access a variety of skills that needs them to be hands-on. They are essential for success in later life.

Encouraging children to undertake crafts helps them learn these skills and can reduce the risk of eye strain or damage in young children.

Don’t forget that undertaking crafts will also expose the children to a variety of words and actions that they may not otherwise have seen or appreciated. In effect, doing crafts can help children to expand their vocabulary and improve their speaking skills.

Bottom Line

Children that attend kindergarten are more likely to be well-balanced and successful in life. Perhaps that is the real reason every parent should send their child to kindergarten. After all, as a parent, you only want what is best for your child. Giving them this opportunity helps them to be prepared for the future, that’s invaluable experience and knowledge that they will need for life.

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