Search Results for "pop song"



The concept of “best songs ever” is subjective and varies from person to person. However, there are certain songs that have stood the test of time and have become timeless classics. These songs are widely recognized for their musical excellence and cultural impact, and have left an indelible mark on […]


Children Songs Help You Learn A Language

It’s simple, really! The thing is that songs are catchy. Did you know that babies can appreciate songs while still in the womb? I think you’ve seen in it on TV; sometimes, expectant couples place a headphone on the expectant lady’s belly so that the baby will grow up preferring […]


How Your Guitar Alters Your Song

Music - it's not known as the universal language for nothing. There's a reason why so many Montrealers pick up a guitar, sit before the keys, or blow on their trumpet. In addition to improving their cognitive skills and bettering their emotional state, music is a way for all of […]

Society & Culture

Top 7 Craziest Celebrity Lawsuits

We all know that celebrities can be known for their random outbursts and continuous aggravation, however, sometimes it can be taken to a new level and law courts become involved. Even though celebrities are constantly in the limelight, which often results in them being followed or hassled by the press, […]


Exploring the Vibrant World of Ukrainian Music

Welcome to bomond’s guide to the most electrifying live music events featuring Ukrainian artists in the United States. This comprehensive article is your gateway to discovering the heart and soul of Ukrainian music, with insights into the top Ukrainian concerts in the USA. Get ready to embark on a melodic […]