Nowadays, the website has become the source of major income for number of companies. It also represents the business identity of a company. You can easily take your business to new heights after creating a good website. You need to buy a good web hosting plan if you want a good success ahead. Your web hosting needs to be perfect so that it can handle high load of visitors. Hostoople is the leading web hosting providers that provides Reseller, VPS, and shared hosting packages to its customers around the world at affordable price. Hostoople is a reputed web hosting provider company to trust and buy products.
Hostoople had made a great reputation in the market as it provides the bets technical support with quick response time to its customers. It is one the verege of becoming the No1 Reseler web hosting provider of the world. The VPS and shared hosting plans of this company are good enough to win heart of the customers. Let us have a close look on Hostoople Web Hosting Features.
Features of Hostoople Hosting Plans
Here is the list of some great features that are provided in every hosting plan offered by Hostoople. You must have a close look to it.
24/7 Support
Hostoople provides a good 24 x 7 support to its customers. So, you can easily rely on Hostoople for any technical assistance and support immediately when the problem is encountered. Its technical staff is excellent to handle queries of customers in minimal time. All the problems will be solved as soon as possible and you will be informed about the cause regularly.
Free Setup & Transfer
Hostoople holds the reputation of providing free setup for your hosting amount. The complete account setup will be done by this wonderful company for free. This company will also provide you charge free support for transferring domains and backups of your website. This is why Hostoople is trusted the most by people going for web hosting plans.
100% Uptime Guaranteed
Hostoople try hard to provide you 100% uptime that means you website will be alive throughout the term of your hosting period. You will even notice that your website at Hostoople will load quicker than other websites. Your website will gain good visitors that might have been lost due to slow loading or server down issue. Navigation will never be an issue on your website unless you have fully functional theme.
Services at Affordable Prices
The web hosting plans provided by Hostoople are affordable and this is why most of the people come here to try it. One does not have to make too much of investment to host a website on servers of Hostoople. The web hosting plans can be afforded by anyone on Hostoople.
Fully Secured Hosting Plans
All its Web Hosting Plans are secured and you need not to worry about hacking or virus attacks. It provides you with assurance against any such attacks that can harm your website hosted on Hostoople servers.
Money Back Guarantee
You can try this hosting initially, though you need to pay the amount for web hosting. If you are not satisfied with the performance then you can ask for the refund of money. Hostoople offers you 100 % money back guarantee within a time period of 30 days.
SO, these were some of the most efficient features of Hostoople web hosting plans. These plans are compatible for everyone who wants a good server and nice performance. These plans are beneficial for bloggers, webmasters, individuals, and resellers too. Now let us have a quick discussion on Hostoople Web Hosting plans.
Hostoople Web Hosting Plans
Hostoople Shared Hosting Plan
- 150 GB Storage
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Free Site Builders
- Free Setup & Transfer
- cPanel Control Panel
- Starting from $3.95
Hostoople Reseller Hosting Plan
- 100 GB Storage
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited Domains
- WHM Reseller Control Panel
- Free Domain Reseller Account
- Free Setup & Transfer
- Starting from $7.95
Hostoople VPS Hosting Plan
- 40 GB Storage
- 512/1 GB Burstable
- 750 GB Bandwidth
- 2 IP Address
- CentOS, cPanel, WHM
- Free Setup and Transfer
- Starting from $29.95
Final Words
Hostoople is one of the best hosting providers when it comes to reseller hosting. Its VPS and shared hosting plans are equally good and this makes Hostoople as an ideal choice for the customers. You can also give it a try after purchasing Hostoople web hosting.