Social media is a big deal in today’s world. There are various incarnations of the general concept behind social media—different platforms that focus on different categories. In the world of online marketing media, one of the relative newcomers is Crunchbase. The forum on this website is geared toward professionals and the companies that employ them.
Creating a Crunchbase profile should be a simple process if you’ve generated a profile on any other social media site. Crunchbase’s platform is similar to other online marketing media sites. One difference you’ll find, however, is that Crunchbase offers strategies that can be utilized to make your personal or business profile highly visible by bringing traffic to your listing.
Most companies with a Crunchbase profile also have a presence on other social media sites. Crunchbase can showcase your professional bona fides with personal flavor added, as you’ll see in this example. In addition to the standard strategies for creating any generic profile on any generic social media site, here are a few tips that can help make your profile land squarely in the realm of kickass.
- Link to your LinkedIn profile. If you include a link from your Crunchbase profile to your presence on other professional and social sites, you can broaden the reach of your online presence exponentially. Linking your Crunchbase profile to your LinkedIn listing is an excellent way to highlight your Crunchbase presence, too. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, then you need to get one up and running right away.
- Face time on Facebook. While LinkedIn is geared toward your professional side, you can drive a lot of traffic to your website by linking your Crunchbase with Facebook. Promoting yourself on any reputable social media site can be a win-win proposition for you.
- Get to blogging and guest posting. One of the most popular tools for promoting a business or bringing attention to your particular set of skills is blogging. If you already have an up-and-running blog with loyal followers, advertising your Crunchbase profile there is a no-brainer. If you don’t currently have a blog, then consider starting one. Hook up with other professionals through social media to land invites to guest-blog on their websites, which can also generate a great deal of traffic to your profile. There is one proviso that must be considered: If your writing skills are not so great, you may need to consider engaging the services of a ghost writer. As luck would have it, you can probably find a few through their profiles on Crunchbase.
- Keep it concise. When building your Crunchbase profile, remember to leave the flowery language and inflated bravado for strictly social social media. Your profile should be engaging but professional. Make sure you focus on information that is relevant. Go wandering off in the weeds on Facebook or Twitter, not on a platform that’s designed to promote your business and get you in touch with fellow professionals.
- A picture is worth a thousand likes. A profile that’s created to target professional companies and individuals is not the place to post your selfie taken in the bathroom mirror. Take the time and go to the expense of having a professional portrait made to post on your profile. This says to visitors that you’re a professional, serious person when it comes to doing business.
The Cyber World Is Small After All
The important point to remember is that online marketing tools and databases are connected. What you post on one site could easily end up on another. Take advantage of what’s available—just make certain you guard your professional and personal integrity while enjoying the services of social media.