
Ways to Help you cope with Quarantine

The quarantine has taken a serious toll on the mental health and well-being of many. With the need for social distancing measures to protect the spread of Coronavirus further, living in isolation can be great but also turn out dreadful for many. The World Health Organization (WHO) has emphasized on the need and importance of maintaining your mental health, considering the negative consequences that days or months of social isolation may have on people around the world. Human beings are habituated to socializing, and social interactions form a valuable part of our lives. Limited interactions and communication with friends, family, or support system may eventually, impact the emotional and mental state of an individual. The following are a few signs and symptoms of mental distress to look out for:

  1. Lack of interest in normal and routine activities
  2. Changes in sleep patterns, such as disrupted sleep cycles, unable to sleep at nights
  3. Lack of focus and concentration of regular activities
  4. Chronic health problems
  5. If you’re stressed or worried about your physical and mental health
  6. Substance abuse like drug and alcohol addiction
  7. If you find your health is deteriorating

Taking personality testsMental stress and distress are bound to affect you when you’re incapable of handling the stress and pressure of social isolation. However, a great way to deal better with the quarantine is to become aware of who we are and how to be resilient. A great way to know ourselves better is by knowing our personality very well. If you don't know what type of personality you have, you can take an online personality test. Onlinepersonality tests are agreat way to know your strengths and weaknesses,which can help you accommodate the effects and after-effects of quarantine. Not everybody can handle social distance equally and positively, and there are many things one can do to keep the monotony and ill-effects away. Knowing your personality can motivate you to make small changes to lifestyle, follow a rigid schedule each day, build and improve on certain skills, and more.

Increasing self-awarenessKnowing more about your personality can help you realize the things you need to work and improve on. Quarantining during the epidemic has given us ample of time and greater opportunities for us to spend time with our loved ones and with ourselves. Thre is a lot that you can do during this ‘me-time’ that social isolation has happened, and utilize that time to increase self-awareness and maybe even improve your personality. Your personality won’t change overnight, but there is a lot you can do to shape yourself into being a better person and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Stick to a routineWith the quarantine offers greater freedom and flexibility to perform routine jobs, work, cook, take care of your kids and spend time with your loved ones, you must remember to establish and follow a set routine. If you’re taking care of kids, preparing a routine can help your

children stay active and strike a healthy balance. If you’re working from home and finding it difficult to manage all things at once, create a routine that has a good mix of recreational activities to keep the boredom away.

Try to stay activeThe monotony will creep in as days go by, and it will become essential for you to stay as active as possible to keep your spirits and energy meter high. Things that can help you cope with quarantine, like home workouts, jogging, going for a run, and other physical activities.

Stay updatedIt is a good idea to follow the news to try and get the latest and updated information on COVID and everything else around you. You can follow updates from the World Health Organization, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, and state health departments for information, but make sure to not get demotivated and upset. Remember that this is the time to keep a positive attitude and do your best to help yourself and others around you.

CommunicationKeep yourself engaged by talking to friends and family often. You can join social media platforms that serve the purpose of both communicating and staying informed. Having meaningful discussions with support systems and help groups online can help you avoid boredom and waive off any feelings of loneliness that you may experience.

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