
Use of Yogic Ethics in Life & Business

If I tell you to throw mud on a neighbor’s car or purchase a 100 thousand dollar stock just because I’m insisting, would you take a minute to think before proceeding?
You are aware of the consequences of both situations, I guess. Therefore, what are you missing if thinking of acting or reminding if not, respectively?
Whether it is life or a business organization, one must focus on the pros & cons of the action taken. Management of ethics empowers us with an ability to analyze, comprehend & to act towards the various aspects of life and business.

What is ethics?

Ethics or moral code of conduct is the branch of philosophy. It deals with what is right or wrong and good or bad. It is an inbuilt quality of every human which assesses one’s righteousness, even if no one is to judge or to govern.

Why is the management of ethics important in life & business?

Power in the hand of an unethical is always destructive. Without limitations or boundaries or rules or laws, it becomes hard to trust someone’s instincts.
In personal life, Ethics and its management keep an individual rooted without the influence of his particular interest. It develops an image of sharp ethical values to lead. This creates a productive atmosphere where solely the truth thrives.
In business, well ethics and morals of employees signify the growth and development of an organization. It helps in building networks. People with a strong ethic and values rule over the corporate world.

Principles & Niyamas (duties) of ethics

There are various theories by the well-renowned philosophers from history and studies of sages from ancient times. Over the in-depth research and application, some principles & niyamas regarding the ideal behavior have been obtained from those theories. A degree of change has been observed in the behavior on the introduction of principles & niyamas, respectively.
Principles regarding ethics :

1. Autonomy

It is a free & independent approach with the capacity of an individual to perceive and act based on ideas or thoughts.

2. Beneficence

This principle emphasizes doing good, including moral obligations to others, in the sense of mercy, kindness, charity and humble behavior, etc.

3. Justice

This principle belongs to moral rightness. It deals with the protection of human rights, discrimination based on caste, color, race, gender identity, origin, religion, disability, ethnicity, age, etc.

4. Non-maleficence

It involves a non-harming or less harming procedure to reach a conclusion, which proves to be beneficial. It is also referred to as another face of the coin with beneficence.
In the yogic tradition, Niyamas (duties) concerned with the development of the ethical rules of a practitioner. These Niyamas, along with yoga asanas (physical postures), not only affect one’s physical aspect but also mental and spiritual elements in a positive manner. This helps us in building a healthy environment, which disciplined us to lead a life filled with bold decisions and strong ethics.
Niyamas (duties) regarding ethics :

1. Shaucha or purification

This is the first niyama. Impurities in & out of ourselves prevent us from reaching spiritual liberation. So, we should practice the yogic way of lifestyle to live healthily and hygienically.

2. Santosha or contentment

It teaches us to live with what we have and don’t regret not having what others have. This promotes a sense of joy and happiness.

3. Tapas or asceticism

This is concerned with the firm will power with the help of strict self-discipline. It helps in building strong moral ethics throughout the practice.

4. Svadhyaya or self-study

This is the fourth Niyama. It deepens our knowledge regarding ourselves. It helps in correcting our flaws, doubts, and weaknesses by self-assessment.

5. Ishvara pranidhana or devotion

This is the fifth or last niyama. It teaches us to surrender yourself in God’s love. To become morally stable, one should give away the egocentric nature.


Moral ethics or principles guide us through the chaotic approaches of one’s own mind. It helps in considering the ideal way to proceed without neglecting the outcomes. An individual with a strong ethic and moral values has fewer chances of being disappointed by his own decision. Administering it in our life could cultivate fruitful results for us in other’s hearts. Whereas in business, It could thrust an organization or group to the new heights of success.

One Comment

  1. Apart from helping you keep Physically and mentally fit, Yoga can help you in many other ways as well. With daily practice of yoga, a person builds many other habits unknowingly such as discipline, Mindful Eating, Patience, Calmness, etc.

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