
How to Tell if You Might Have Allergies

Allergies are more common than ever these days, and it seems like just about everybody is allergic to something. Sometimes, we think we are allergic to something but we are really experiencing cold or flu symptoms. The two kinds of medical conditions (allergies and colds) can have similar effects on the body.

It’s easy to mistake one for the other, but it is also easy to miss allergy symptoms. You might not correlate an activity or food with the allergic reaction it is causing. That’s why we want to talk today about how to identify allergies. Knowing what to look for can be the first step toward getting the treatment that you need to greatly improve your quality of life.

Does Stopping the Activity Stop the Symptoms?

Here is an easy way to tell if what you are experiencing is the result of allergies or something else: stop doing or eating whatever it is that you think may be causing an allergic reaction. If the symptoms stop, then there is a good chance that the symptoms were caused by an allergic reaction.

You will need to go to an allergy specialist to find out for sure if you have allergies, but this can be an important preliminary step and can help to narrow down your allergies to something specific.

If the symptoms persist, then there is a chance that you are suffering from a cold or flu, or you could just have prolonged allergic reactions. Once again, an expert can clear things up, but you can start to get some answers by performing this simple test.

Know the Symptoms to Look for

One of the most important things you can do in identifying whether you have allergies or not is simply knowing what symptoms you should be keeping an eye out for.

Hives are one of the clearest signs that you are having an allergic reaction. You can experience an outbreak in hives from just about any kind of allergy- dust mites, chocolate, flowers, and more. Hives often occur because of contact with the allergen. Similarly, your skin could break out into a rash, and this will likely go away a few hours after you have stopped coming into contact with the allergen, and after you have washed your skin.

Wheezing is another symptom associated with allergies. It has to do with the way allergies can affect your breathing, constricting airways, and making it difficult for you to draw full breaths. A lot of people who have allergies will use inhalers, and not just those who have asthma. The steroids in the inhaler can open the airways back up and return breathing to normal.

Swelling is another common feature of an all3egic reaction. Even though colds and flu may give you the same runny nose, watery eyes, and sneezing that you get with allergies, they won’t usually make your lips or face swell up. This is a clear indication of allergies that you need to watch for, and it could indicate a serious allergy that needs immediate treatment.

In many cases, the lips swell up because an allergen has passed across them, and if allergens make their way into the body, they can be extremely dangerous and even deadly.

Now that you know what to look for, you can more easily identify allergies and take appropriate action when an allergic reaction occurs.

Go to an ENT Specialist

The best way to determine if you have allergies is to visit an ENT doctor. You can start at to schedule an appointment and get some answers. If you suspect you have allergies, no matter what you are allergic to, then this is the best option for you.

It’s not necessary to suffer with allergies for the rest of your life. Treatment can help alleviate symptoms and medication can allow you to live a normal life. The ENT specialist will be able to diagnose your specific allergies so that you can avoid the things that cause symptoms. You will probably notice a difference in how you feel and how often you have symptoms. For many people, allergies are just a part of their life, and they may not understand how simple it can be to get relief from allergic reactions.

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