
Can Gynecomastia Return After The Surgery?

Male with Asymmetrical GynecomastiaGynecomastia, defined as the overgrowth of male breast tissue, is a common condition in teens as they go through puberty. Although it can be corrected with hormonal treatments, there are times when the cause of excess glandular breast tissue remains unknown. Gynecomastia is a condition in which the gland around the nipple becomes enlarged. The gland is usually smooth and firm, but it can sometimes be lumpy under the skin. Gynecomastia that occurs during puberty usually resolves as a boy gets older. In some cases, however, this growth of male breast tissue can persist for years after it has gone away and cause discomfort for the teenage boy. Gynecomastia can also be caused by certain medications and may occur more frequently in families who are overweight or have other types of health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

You may be experiencing pseudo gynecomastia, where glands in your chest are enlarging and causing breast tissue to grow. Diet and exercise can help reduce the amount of fat that forms the glands, so you don’t have to have surgery if you don’t want to. However, if glandular breast tissue continues to grow then it will not go away on its own. Surgery is not medically required for those with gynecomastia, but it may be needed if it causes emotional distress.

Surgery for Male Breast Reduction

A breast reduction surgery involves removing excess glandular tissue and fat from the breast area. You may also see an areolar reduction or liposuction of the nipple of the areola. This procedure is usually performed with local anesthesia and a laparoscopic incision. The recovery time is usually fairly quick, with most people being able to return to normal activity within 2 weeks.

Your surgeon will remove the glandular tissue and fatty tissue from the skin of your breast. He may need to reduce the areola and nipples to allow for a more natural appearance, which is minimally invasive and may cause slight bruising or swelling after surgery.

Cost of Surgery

We have found that most insurance companies will not cover this type of surgery because it is considered to be a cosmetic procedure. The cost of male breast reduction surgery can start at several thousand dollars, so you may want to contact your insurance company prior to having any surgical procedures done.


Liposuction is a procedure that is commonly used for treating pseudo-gynecomastia. It involves removing the fat that has been deposited in the chest area and has a positive effect on the body’s shape. The procedure can be performed without inserting any needles. This involves a small incision for the cannula to be inserted and the surgeon spends an hour or more removing fat from the chest.

Ignore These Things After Gynecomastia Surgery

After your surgery, you can shower the next day and go back to work. Avoid as much as possible tub baths for a week. It is possible to return to work in 1-3 days after male breast reduction surgery. It is important to note that most men are pleased with the results even before the swelling goes down. Patients report feeling less self-conscious and an increase in confidence usually occurs. For many, male breast reduction surgery enhances their life by taking their breasts out of everyday decisions including activities and clothing. This can be an effective but costly solution, so exploring options to get rid of it naturally should be further investigated before opting for this kind of surgery.

Male breast reduction surgery is a safe and effective way to tackle excess breast tissue in men. When you see that your breasts are too large for your frame or if you have been suffering from frustration stemming from being under-dressed, male breast reduction surgery could be your answer. Although the results aren’t necessarily permanent, many men find that after surgery they can reshape their bodies and feel more confident in their own skin.

Can Gynecomastia Return After Surgery

Gynecomastia is the medical term for enlarged breasts in men and is a fairly common condition that can be caused by hormones, medications and lifestyle choices. Some people need to be careful to keep their gynecomastia from returning after surgery. If the condition causes pain, swelling, or an increase of fat in the chest area, weight gain can cause it to return. It is also possible for the condition to return if it was caused by medication or hormonal imbalances if those conditions have not been taken care of.

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