

Can Water Be Effected By Human Consciousness?

People interested in New Age spirituality and alternative medicines are excited by Dr Masaru Emoto's experiments on the intentional effects on water crystallisation. These first gained wide-spread public exposure in the controversial film/documentary, "What the Bleep do We Know?!" Dr Emoto's experiments: The hypothesis is that the molecular structure of […]

Business Employment

Beginner’s Guide To International Jobs

Many college students cultivate the fantasy of working overseas with nothing but the clothes on their back, boundless curiosity, and ambition. In reality, however, you’ll need more than ambition and curiosity to secure and keep a job abroad. Working overseas has a lot of benefits, but there are pitfalls as […]


Why DNA Testing can Change Your Lifestyle

Medical science has proven that genetics matter when it comes to health. Companies that do DNA testing offer a way to map genes and determine how healthy a person's future looks. The results provide a guide so you can choose ways to stay well - from relieving stress to picking […]


Marketing Your Charity Event

Most of us would rather attend a charity event than market one, but promoting your next fundraiser doesn't have to be difficult. By using the proven effective marketing tactics below, you'll be able to accomplish your goals in a memorable way. Find Your Target Audience Before you start marketing your […]


How bulk SMS for UK businesses can generate ROI

There are plenty of mediums available for businesses to market their products or services-but bulk SMS is one that may not immediately spring to mind. The idea behind the concept is that customers give businesses their phone numbers so that they can receive exciting and exclusive offers directly to their […]


How to Reduce Your Vehicle Fleet Costs

Running a fleet of vehicles will consume a reasonable amount of resources for just about any business. Without some controls in place it is likely that costs will almost run away with themselves. Running a cost efficient fleet of vehicles will have a positive effect on your organisations bottom line. […]


How Pests Can Affect a Business

When your house is plagued with pests, it’s a difficult problem to solve. There are some creatures that you can easily get rid of, but some are more aggressive, more pervasive, and more stubborn. They won’t readily surrender, and you have to plan your defensive moves carefully in order to […]


Biggest US Tax Evaders

America's corporate tax rate is 35% which is claimed to be the highest among industrialized nations, worldwide. However, most of the U.S corporations don't pay their taxes within those rates or percents. There are American companies that are not paying any taxes at all and are even receiving tax credits. […]


Becoming an Adult in Different Religions

There is a fascinating genre in literature called bildungsroman that refers to the coming-of-age of the protagonist of the story on both the psychological and moral level. This transformation is one that is of interest to the world at large, seeing as it is something that every single person goes […]