Author: Kidal D.

CSS Technology

CSS3 modules list and definitions

In CSS3, W3C has modified the specification: several separate modules instead of a single one; each of these modules is dedicated to a specific aspect of CSS. Such approach has the advantage of helping companies that build internet browsers to implement one module at time without having to rewrite the […]

Web reviews

EG Dental Review

As we had been contemplating going to dentists in Tijuana, we can across EG Dental clinic on the internet. My sister went first, and scoped it out. This is a very modern facility, and the dentists did great work. Her teeth turned out great. She needed a couple of root […]

Other stories

Pando Project 2011

ABOUT PANDO What is Pando? Pando is a nonprofit that empowers people to step up as leaders and develop new, local solutions to the problems in their communities. Who will use Pando? Pando will accept applications from any American over the age of 18. However the target demographic is Millennials […]

Other stories

What to Look for in a New Fireplace

Anyone that is looking to design a new or remodeled luxury home will want to consider adding a nice fireplace to it. A quality fireplace is not only a beautiful addition to any room, but it can also be a central gathering place with friends and family. It can also […]