Search Results for "negative consequences"


Computer Vision: Expectations vs Reality

Computer Vision (CV) is expanding quickly, focusing on how well robots can interpret and comprehend visual data from our environment. It entails teaching computers how to recognize, interpret, and evaluate visual input in order to make judgments. Because of the growing amount of visual data produced by various devices like […]

Business planning

What Is the Ideal Six Sigma Methodology?

Any stage of the product development process can apply the 6 Sigma is a data-driven quality management system. One key element of every approach is the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) project methodology, which systematically improves an organization’s performance by identifying and addressing issues in business processes. As […]


A Nursing Student’s Guide to Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Striking a healthy study-work-life balance is a difficult task for nursing students. It becomes even more challenging during the current times of uncertainty. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, most nursing staff and students find themselves working harder than ever before. Consequently, a rising percentage of nursing professionals feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and […]


Ways to Help you cope with Quarantine

The quarantine has taken a serious toll on the mental health and well-being of many. With the need for social distancing measures to protect the spread of Coronavirus further, living in isolation can be great but also turn out dreadful for many. The World Health Organization (WHO) has emphasized on […]


Hurt by a Product from Amazon? You May Have a Claim

In the last decade, Amazon has grown to be a common household brand in addition to being a favored delivery service. However, few individuals know exactly how the company works. With many third-party sellers listed on Amazon, there are a multitude of products and opportunities for businesses across countless industries. […]