Search Results for "learning languages"


Tips for Learning Foreign Languages in India

Once upon a time learning a foreign language was seen as a hobby. It was something you did to enhance your own repertoire of languages but not a skill that had too many practical applications for most people. With the advent of a globalized economy, though, things have changed a […]


Best Web Development Languages To Learn in 2023

Web development is a dynamic field that constantly evolves with the emergence of new technologies and changing industry trends. As we approach 2023, several programming languages continue to dominate the web development landscape. Whether you’re a newcomer to web development or an experienced developer looking to expand your skill set, […]


How Online Education Is Benefited from Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are reshaping almost all industries, including online education. Implementing AI and ML technologies allows creating customized content and personalized learning paths, enhances performance tracking, and improves management processes. As online learning became more widespread because of the global lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, more […]


5 Benefits of Machine Learning With Python

We are currently living in a technology bubble where Artificial Intelligence is playing an important part in shaping our lives. Machine learning is expected to influence and transform this technology bubble by building algorithms to predict accurate results for building intelligent, reliant and self-conscious machines. Have you ever wondered what […]


6 Commonly Used Machine Learning Frameworks

I think everyone would agree – our brain is one smart supercomputer. A task that is as simple as crossing the street is so automatic for us humans because our brain acts like a super-intelligent autopilot. When you cross the street, your brain automatically looks for oncoming vehicles. Judging by […]

Travel and living

5 Tricks to Learning a Second Language

You’ve probably already heard the saying that practice makes perfect. That’s because it’s true. You won’t get a gym body overnight without lifting weights or running on a regular basis. And you won’t learn a second language without regular practice either. Many people find that the hardest obstacle to overcome […]


Does knowing languages make you a translator?

The 43% of world population is bilingual, which means technically they have the capacity to translate from their second language into their native language and vice versa. However, only the 0.0045% of the world’s population are translators. What do these numbers tell us? For one thing, the numbers shout that […]