Search Results for "Golden Boot"


Reasons to Pick Ruby on Rails for Web Development Projects!

What factors do you consider while choosing a programming language for your web app development project? Scalability? Level of support? Ease of development? Cost? Availability of libraries? Or all of these? Well, amongst hundreds of programming languages available currently, Ruby on Rails (RoR) is one such language that offers all […]


2019 Interior Design Ideas

Oh, the thrills of the new year! Even though it’s still a few days away, January 1st has become our chance for a reboot. If you are already thinking about your own unique projects, then you are in the right place. Let’s take a peek at a roster of enviable […]

Web design

Top HTML Templates Of 2018 You Should Try

Regardless of their field, all businesses strive towards maximizing efficiency. By conserving resources and increasing productivity, profits will rise for sure. Even on a small scale, this golden principle applies. When it comes to website development, the tools, features, plugins and add-ons are limitless. A smart financial decision would be […]

Web design

Top HTML Templates Of 2018

Regardless of their field, all businesses strive towards maximizing efficiency. By conserving resources and increasing productivity, profits will rise for sure. Even on a small scale, this golden principle applies. When it comes to website development, the tools, features, plugins and add-ons are limitless. A smart financial decision would be […]


The Basics of Looking like a Boho Goddess

According to most fashion experts, one of the most feminine and spectacular styles that’s back in the forefront today is the boho or the bohemian style. Originally, the word came straight from the land of Bohemia which was located in the territory of Czech Republic. The carriers of this ideology […]


Top Indian Fashion Trends in 2015

Fashion is longer a statement of style but a statement of personality and attitude. Trends change with the changing times and social dynamics. Thus fashion trends are keen watched and anticipated. A low down of what lies near the horizon of 2015. A new year knocking on the door it’s […]